Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Simple Saturday....Mind Game..

Our thought life determines who we are.......

It is so easy to make bad decisions based upon words spoken from others that we come in contact with on a daily basis.

Way to often we become blinded by our own emotions that come to us as a result of negativity that surrounds us. 
Therefore, we find ourselves feeling trapped and before we know it, we are in the middle of a mind game...

We wrestle and struggle against thoughts and feelings that are held captive in our minds and we then find ourselves absorbing the contents of a negative world.

In these vulnerable times, we need to ask God for the power to press forward in HIS word and in HIS love.  The good thing here is that we can find pure VICTORY when we are willing to release these so called mind games to the one that longs to fight our battles....


Shug Sez......

In my times of darkness, God provided me with LIGHT!


  1. Emotions are running high today,and this is what I need to hear and remember.Thanks.

  2. Amen to this one! I am one who can find great discouragement in a single word spoken (or not spoken) by someone. I thank God that just when I need it the most, HE will speak a word of truth that negates all the naysaying.

    If I would just remember to listen to HIM only!!

  3. So agree with you! Sometimes these 'earworms of negativity' become viral! Renewing our mind in Christ is the only answer. Wish that was always our first 'go to'!

  4. There is a saying that you are never more like God than when you are encouraging people, and never more like the devil when you are discouraging them. And I think for the most part this is right. Discouragement can make us doubt everything and lose heart, and the devil loves that.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Something New

  If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...