Saturday, February 12, 2011

" Why? Lord"

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.

                                               Isaiah 55:8

How many times have we asked the question...."But Why Lord"

There is something within all of us that seeks immediate answers.  It's as if we walk around with a sign in our hand that reads.... IMMEDIATE ANSWERS NEEDED NOW!

"Why"......  How many of ask this question when things are in our favor?
Do we ask 'WHY' when God heals us from a terrible illness?  Do we ask "But Why" we we get a raise? many people have ever asked "Why Me Lord"  when they win a million dollar lottery?

It is when we are not comfortable with the results of life that we ask..."Why Lord,  Why did this happen.  Why are things this way?"  It is so easy to blame God for bad results!!

God's word says....."Be Still And Know That I Am God" ......this is exactly what we are suppose to do!

We must believe that God LOVES us!!  He hears our prayers, He knows our needs and it is His desire for us to TRUST HIM.

We simply need to embrace our Heavenly Father and lean on Him when we are overcome with that question of "Why"

I have been guilty numerous times of failing to "Be Still and Trust God"   ............................

I believe that God could have changed the story in my family's life,....but for some reason, He has taken us through some deep, deep valleys in order for us to get where we are now..."Why"....I don't know, but I do know that no matter how deep the valley, He has never let go of our hands!

The one true thing that I have learned over the past few years is that ........When I give my "Worries and my Why's" to God, I experience a warm Peace that surrounds every part of my being.

God wraps me in His Blanket of Love even when I question HIS Ways.  How wonderful is that?

Shug Sez.........................

Remind me some day to share with you just how beautiful it can be to rise up out of a valley with God holding your hand!


  1. Beautiful post, Shug. I know I would have never made it sometimes without God's help. I don't know why He has allowed certain things to happen, but I know He has been always been with me. Our God is an awesome God! Hugs, Cheryl

  2. Sometimes our answer to our prayers are no and we must trust that too! Great post!

  3. Gorgeous post, Shug... God is with us --through dark days and good days. BUT--when things go wrong, we humans love to BLAME ---anyone and everyone --even God..

    I am just glad that God still loves me, even when I ask "WHY ME?"


  4. God has a perfect plan for every one of us. We may not agree at times especially when things are going tough - but this too is for our benefit. My hardest lesson to learn was that when I can't handle a situation and I turn it over to God in prayer that I then need to leave it there and not try to take back control of it. I don't have all the answers but I do have the confidence that HE does have the answers. Through this I've learned patience!
    'hugs from afar' & thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  5. I'm right with ya Shug and so happy you introduced yourself! You have a beautiful blog and *spirit* and I'll enjoy getting to know you better!

  6. Thanks for your visit to my blog and your thoughtful comment! This post reminded me of one of our residents at the nursing home, in her 90s, who every waking hour of every day says the words, "Why me?" Some days she allows her thoughts to be re-directed to join in conversation, but mostly not. That is so sad! Right now several dearly loved family members are going through unbelievably dark valleys and need our encouragement that God will never leave them or forsake them. It's in the valleys we grow!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...