Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Using your Talents...Free Throws For Souls!

"Free Throws For....SOULS"

Doesn't this sound AWESOME?

Have you ever heard of "Free Throws For Souls?"  I hadn't either...actually I'm not sure anyone had until this past Friday.

We have a wonderful son-in-law (Tom Booth) who is married to our youngest daughter, Shanda.  This past year, Tom has really felt the Holy Spirit speaking to him, and he knew that God was asking something of him.

Indeed HE was.  Tom prayed for God to open his eyes and his heart to understand the leading of the Holy Spirit.


You see, Tom played college basketball in Temple Texas and then he went on to play basketball at the University of Southern Maine.  Tom loves Basketball!

God was asking Tom to use his talents to help win souls for the Kingdom of God!

I am so very excited even as I write this post!  

Tom chose to shoot free throws and to take pledges based upon the number of shots he made.  This event was held at the Family Life Center of our Church!  Tom started shooting free throws at 8:00 A.M. this past Friday morning and he finished at 8:00 A.M. Saturday morning!   AGAIN, let me point out that it was based on the number he MADE. 

7,231   Free Throws to be EXACT...

~  WOW,  he made a lot of free throws... ~

Can I please tell you that by the end of this event, Tom's body was worn out.
He was aching so bad and his arm was so swollen. He was so tired! I don't like to doubt anything that God has called any of us to do, but earlier in the evening, we were very concerned as to whether or not he could make it through the 24 hours.  BUT...one must know Tom to know that he is a man of his words.  He made this commitment to God and no matter what, Tom Booth was going to give it his all to complete this task.  

....We all know that God will never ask us to do anything without giving us everything we need to make it through.  All that God expects from us is to have Faith and to be willing to be used!! 

Tom was faithful and willing to be used of God...and....God gave Tom the strength he needed to make through the 24 hours!

He was interviewed by two of our local TV stations as well as the sports radio station and in his interviews he wanted everyone to know that this certainly was not about him....It was about Serving God and about raising money for BGMC and the missions that they support!

Many pledges were made and so many wonderful people have given love offerings for this cause.  The final total is not in as to how much money Tom was able to raise for BGMC, but the important thing to remember here is that whatever amount it is that God wanted Tom to raise, IT WILL COME IN!

"BGMC is the AG missions program for kids that instills a heart of compassion to reach the lost through praying, giving, and going. All funds raised through BGMC go to meet critical needs around the world such as feeding programs, water wells, Bible schools, curriculum, and whatever else a missionary needs in their part of the world."

It is very easy for most of us to pull out our wallets and give money, but it takes a special person that Loves the Lord with all his heart to endure pain and exhaustion in order to do what God has called him to do!

We are so very Proud of Tom!!

Shug Sez.....

If you have a talent, use it for the Glory of God!


  1. Shug, This is absolutely fantastic! I can't imagine the agony he endured, 7,231 free throws is unheard of. He is a hero and Gift from God, in my book. What a gift he gave of himself.
    Bless his heart, and

  2. Great job Tom!! - I know the money he raised will go for wonderful things and bring happiness to others. Have a great day!!

  3. Good morning, Shug. Wow! 7,231 free throws!! This is an amazing story and your son-in-law is one amazing guy! I think I'm speechless! Hugs, Cheryl

  4. Hi Shug!

    What an amazing story, Tom must be an awesome person! I think it's important to ask Heavenly Father what he wants us to do for others, service is one of the most important and loving opportunities we have! Tom listened to the Holy Spirit, and that truly provided him the opportunity to give a wonderful gift. How many of us just forget to listen? I will be asking and listening - thank you for sharing, what a wonderful post!!


  5. I am soo proud of him too. As wives we love our husbands because of the many wonderful traits they have but this weekend I fell in love with something different. A deeper more spiritual love that can only come from God. I have to admit that when he first told me this dream over a year ago i doubted that anyone could do it. But one day we were driving to my father-in-laws house and he looked at me and said "do you not believe in me?" It was at that very moment that I realized I was about to squinch something that God had told him to do and something that he was so passionate about. I knew I better get on board. I learned a valuable lesson that day... support your spouce even if you think it might sound ridiculous, God may leave you behind and allow it to happen without you.
    He not only made my heart happy this weekend but his boys were beaming with pride. Their dad was doing something greater for the good of others. They were proud and will remember it forever.

  6. Wow! You have an amazing son in law. And, more amazing is that he listened to the spirit and followed the direction he was given. A great example to all of us. Nola

  7. AWESOME! Love it. We should all learn to use our talents for God and a greater good as he has. :)


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