Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thankfulness Is Something

I love the sweet smell of Dawn.....and I love Sunday Mornings!

When was the last time you stopped to give thanks for even the smallest of things in your life?  Do we even realize that it doesn't have to be Thanksgiving day in order for us to be thankful?  Wouldn't it be nice if we all woke up each and every morning and started our day with Thanksgiving...Wouldn't it feel great to start our day with excitement just knowing that God has placed a hidden treasure somewhere in our day?

I love the following quote:

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow....

Melody Beattie

We need to let the truth of these words sink into our hearts.  These are great words and they paint a pretty picture of thankfulness.

Craig Morgan sings a beautiful song....."This ain't Nothing"

Every time I hear this song, I am so reminded of how life can be so unforgiving....What counts is our gratitude and how willing we are to see good in everything!

This song is about a man who has seen many difficult times in his life.  The loss of his father, the loss of his brother and best friend, and the loss of his loving wife.  These losses were something to him but yet, he was given strength to endure them all.  When other tragedies come his way, he just smiles and says..."This ain't nothing"

It is true, we all have those somethings in our life that brings sadness to our hearts, however, a heart full of gratitude is what our heavenly father loves...It is important for us to understand that God know our hearts even in sad times and we should trust HIM enough to say thank you Lord

Be thankful for the important people in your life...Be thankful for your thankful for each new day....

He was standing in the rubble of an old farmhouse outside Birmingham
When some on the scene reporter stuck a camera in the face of that old man
He said "tell the folks please mister, what are you gonna do
Now that this twister has taken all that's dear to you"
The old man just smiled and said "boy let me tell you something, this ain't nothing"

He said I lost my daddy, when I was eight years old,
That cave in at the kincaid mine left a big old hole,
And I lost my baby brother, my best friend and my left hand
In a no win situation in a place called Vietnam
And last year I watched my lovin wife, of fifty years waste away and die
And I held her hand till her heart of gold stopped pumping
So, This ain't nothing


This ain't nothing time won't erase
And this ain't nothing money can't replace
He said, you sit and watch your lovin wife of fifty years fighting for her life
Then you hold her hand till her heart of gold stops pumping
Yea boy....That's something
So this ain't nothing.....

Shug Sez....

Blessed are those who can be thankful for in all things!


  1. Shug, I think I've found a heart of gold when I found you! The words to that song-I still have goosebumps! And I'll tell you something, this is the way I get through hard things. By thinking it could be so much worse and giving thanks for what I DO have. Being thankful creates JOY!! I taught a whole bible lesson on that at church one night, trying to get people to have more enthusiasn for their church and be more willing to do things. It's really all in the perspective, isn't it? The bible tells us to be thankful in ALL things! I'm thankful today that we are blog friends, I think we may be kindred spirits!

  2. Omgoodness. This is beautiful!!! Thank you so much for sharing this today. I am sooo going to print this off to keep :). Have a blessed day

  3. What a beautiful post, Shug. Loved it! What a wise old fella, "This ain't nothing", and what a great attitude! Thanks for sharing this. Hugs, Cheryl


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