Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A New Adventure In Life

Do any of you OWN any Sunshine today?  I so need some!

My favorite weather guy dropped a bomb on me today.....  We have more SNOW on the way....I'm trying not to have self-pity, but I really need some sunshine!  I need to be able to DRIVE!  I need to GO SOMEWHERE!  I need to try to buy some sunshine!

I must say that being stuck indoors has given me a lot of time to catch up on some reading.

I have spent a good bit of time these past few days reading and thinking and thinking some more..................Seems that gardening and growing your own fruits and vegetables is a big topic right now.

I think this is an adventure that I might want to embark upon. 

Peas.....Green Beans....Squash....Hot Sauce....Jams....Jellies....Pickles.... anything that will CAN!

I have made jelly before..I have made Hot Sauce....I have made Pear Relish...but several years have passed me by and I have forgotten all the techniques of being a real pioneer woman!

Will it be that difficult for me to remember the challenges of canning?  I am actually looking forward to it.  I can already see the great rewards of doing this for my family. 

What a wonderful experience this will be.  Maybe I will someday have the opportunity to teach my daughters and granddaughters how to CAN.

Fun! Fun! Fun..............

Hey...I welcome any recipes for canning!  Seriously, Send them my way PLEASE!
Fresh Veggies.................

Makes for some Yummy eating!!!!

I just need Spring to hurry up and get here and I need a little SUNSHINE!

Sure hope our local feed store will be able to meet all of my gardening needs!  Gotta have a good garden in order to have something to CAN!!

Yes...I think I'm taking some great steps towards a new stage in my life.....

 Woo Hoo.....Bring on the SUNSHINE!!!!

Shug Sez......

Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy!  Did I tell you that "I love the LORD?"


  1. I can't wait for my first lesson. As soon as your hands heal, we are hitting the kitchen. You make the best homemade hot sauce.

  2. My Daughters are the sweetest ever! Always so complimentary! Love you Girls!


  3. Sounds great & I know you can do it - sister Molly had a big garden last year and canned some delcious stuff - I'll tell Elaine to be on the lookout for jars!!

  4. Hi Shug!

    I just noticed that you posted a very nice comment on my blog! Thank you, I love seeing new faces and I love meeting new friends!

    what a wonderful and inviting blog! I have enjoyed my time here! I love to can, I usually have a large garden and try to preserve as much as I am able...sometimes, it lacks! I love canning, chili sauce, salsa, canned green beans, tomatoes, really just about anything I can put in a jar.I I don't have fruit trees, but I do love to can applesauce, apple butter, and applepie filling, yum!

    You know, just reading your blog made me feel a bit sunnier! I live in Idaho and it has been cold here! We have sun, so at least I'm not feeling deprived, but it's sooooo cold outside!

    See you again!



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