Friday, February 25, 2011

Does Grace Know Your Name?

Does Grace Know Your Name?   This is a very important question!

I'm hoping you all will bear with me ....I don't know what it is that keeps bringing me back to that word...GRACE
....Grace from our hearts!    (It is my desire to honor God with every post I write....This word "GRACE" .... can one really ever say enough?

Do we show favor, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and love towards those that sometimes hurt us?

I would venture to say that to show kindness to someone who is kind would be a somewhat easy task on our part....But to show kindness to someone that has just kicked us in the gut would bring about our wanting to gain the pleasure of seeing them hurt.

We live in a world today that is filled with deceit and lies. There are those that have no mercy.  This kind of person longs to inflict punishment upon their enemies, what ever the cost.  How sad!  It makes me wander if this type of person has EVER known love of any kind.  How does one go through life without LOVE?

I know that there have been times in my own life when I have been angry about a situation, or I have been down right MAD at someone, but not to the extent of not being able to forgive.  I can recall many times when I have actually been the one that ends up apologizing to someone for something that wasn't even my fault.  The reason is because I do not want anyone to harbor ill feelings towards me and I had rather apologize and have forgiveness in my heart, than to have bitterness knocking at my door....

I am so thankful that I serve a loving God that is full of Grace.   Amazing Grace ...... this is God's gift of redemption to us.  HE shows us Mercy instead of judgement.  Through Grace, God is making us into HIS own image and teaching us about spiritual maturity.  Now this is an Awesome God!!!

Here are just a few things that I want to leave with you to ponder upon.  You can rest assured that Grace does know your name when we:

  Put others first.

  Don't give people what they deserve, but what they need, when we have the power to do so.

  Can sit and cry with someone who has just lost a love.

Listen to our spouses.

Listen to our kids.

Listen to the lady that talks for ever.

Give up our seat in order to let someone else sit down.

Show people that God loves them and wants them no matter what they've done.

Forgive and reconcile with others.

Accept forgiveness that is offered to us.

Let folks in on the highway.

Pray for people we don't particularly like because that's who we are; we can't do anything else.

Give a homeless person everything in our wallet without wondering whether he really needs it.

Our Heart aches at injustice.

Our heart aches at loss.

Our heart is aching but we forgive anyways.

Feel destroyed, but we are able to reach out to others despite our hurt.

Shug Sez.......

Because of God's Amazing Grace....I am Saved!!


  1. Shug, I came over because of your sweet name!!! What a blessing to find you here and I say, "Amen!" to your wonderful post! Thank you and glad to meet you!

  2. Wonderful words...I am so thankful for Grace!
    Have a great weekend!!

  3. Yes, yes, and yes!!! I am like you, I have said i'm sorry when I didn't think I'd done anything wrong. Non-forgiveness hurts ourselves more than the other person, we need to get on with our lives and not waste time dwelling on past hurts, life is too short for that. God has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west and our goal is to be like Him and to obey Him. i LOVE your cute bluebird!!!

  4. Excellent post, Shug.... I need to copy it and read it every single day.... When I read that we need to give our seat to someone else, it reminded me of a church I visited one time years ago. I sat in someone else's pew... Uh Oh---how dare I do that??? ha ha ..... Needless to say, after they told me to move, I NEVER went back to that church... Not very welcoming, huh??????

    Hope you are having a good day.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...


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