Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Best Gifts...

The clock is ticking away and with just a few hours left in this day, I could not possibly let my overwhelming drive to get everything done  keep me from writing my post.'s like they say..."It's better to be late, than to not show up at all"  or at least I think that is what they say!

I have had a super busy weekend.  I guess you might could say a super busy past five days!!   Tori's Birthday Tea, My Dad's 80th birthday party,  Two Christmas celebrations (Mine and Sam's families)  and cooking for the Church Christmas dinner today!

This is certainly what I call being BUSY!!!  But...we have the Best Families Ever and I loved every single moment of our time shared together....

The title of my post is "The Best Gifts."   The best gifts to me are those totally unexpected gifts that we receive.  Their is just so much power in the generosity of an unexpected gift!  

I was so Blessed this weekend because I was the recipient of an unexpected gift....A gift that I really had been wanting!  I had NO CLUE that someone was thinking of me and that they made a huge effort and sacrifice of themselves to make sure that I was able to get such an important gift.....

My sweet sister-in-law Lisa, gave me a signed book!
"Decision Points.....George W. Bush."  Wow....I am more than thrilled to have this book....

I know that it was not an easy thing to stand in line waiting to purchase the book and have it signed....

Yes.....The Best Gifts are those that you receive when you know that someone has taken their time to do something special for you!

Shug Sez......

Greatest Thanks to you Lisa....You Totally Made My Day!  Hugs!


  1. And if you haven't read it, it is a great book. Glad you had such a fun weekend!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Soundtracks and Breakfast

 Hello Saturday!!  Time to kick back and let the fun begin.   Right?   Just wondering what the soundtrack to your Saturday morning is soundi...