Saturday, June 12, 2010


Ok...All you exercise enthusiasts, I need your help.  In case you don't know if I am talking to you are not, an exercise enthusiasts is someone that is very passionate about exercising.  Lets just say, I am not one!

I have seen all these cute dresses that everyone is wearing this summer.  I even tried one on last night.  The problem is my (Triceps)
need a little help. 

How in the world do you get them to look good?
Have you ever seen small curd cottage cheese?  That is exactly what I think about when I look in the mirror.    No, it's not that bad, but my triceps could use a little lift and some tightening. 

Last year I went out and bought two kettle weights and some kind of stretch band that is suppose to take care of this area.  I don't think I have seen one bit of change in my arms. Could it be that I'm not spending enough time using them??? 

Have you ever noticed that women are subject to having turkey neck triceps.  I'm not sure why, but if at all possible, I want to get this turkey under control before the skin gets too loose.  That loose skin that hangs and has dimples is not very becoming in those summer dresses that I'm talking about. 

Ya'll know exactly what I'm talking about.  Many of you have the very same problem.  There really isn't very many ways that you can camouflage this particular area of your body. 

The dresses are too cute not to have one, so I am going to work hard to get my arms in shape.  Of course, by the time I get them in shape, it will be Fall and time to cover them up again. 

If any of you have some great advise for getting rid of that jiggly stuff, then email me and let me know.

I promise that I will work hard....  Tootles for now.


Remember to Love someone today!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello--
    Let's try this again. Popped over from Llyod's blog. Enjoyed reading your posts. Your family is adorable.
    Let me know how you train your triceps, mine
    don't see much sun in the summer, if you know what I mean. :)

    Have a delightful weekend!



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