Sunday, March 2, 2025

Get In, We're Going

Just a day late, but Hello March!

Yesterday was absolutely GORGEOUS around here!  Full bright 🌞 sunshine and warm weather.  

Mylee actually took a dip in the pool. 
Way to cold for me, but she said it was refreshing. 


In the month of March, we have two birthdays to celebrate.....Tyler and Keelan.
March 5th...and March 9th.


We had dinner last evening with our kiddos and other family.  We ate (again) at the New Italian restaurant in town.  
The best part of the meal for me, was the bread!  I failed to grab a picture of their rolls, but oh my...they are super delicious. 

Does life get any sweeter than this...?

Our baby boy was enjoying gnawing on the bread...He has 2 bottom teeth coming in, so he's a big boy now!!

Y'all come get in!!! 

Happy Sunday and Happy 2nd day of March.




  1. Such a blessed time with your wonderful family! Happy March!

  2. Italian restaurants always seem to have the best breads!! Sam & the baby are a gorgeous photo! How could you ever have a bad day after that? Your pool is so pretty. I always like seeing it, and then the flowers and plants around it.

  3. I would love to get in and go for coffee with you. Bet we could yak up a storm.
    Aww that precious little guy is so sweet. I miss those tiny cuddles.
    Happy March to you, Shug.

  4. I just celebrated my birthday on March 1st! And oh, such sweet photos of the youngest member of the clan. He is so precious, Shug. Blessings!

  5. I would love a pool. I adore swimming 🏊 I’m unable to get out to swim as much as I would like. The last few days, was warm enough. Your pool is so refreshingly beautiful!
    Enjoy your March birthdays. My birthday is today! 🎈

  6. That looks like a fun adventure. We're still frozen in!

  7. I would love to GET IN that car and go for coffee and one of the rolls. bread is the love of my life. bob gets in the pool, but the water is in the 60's and even with temps at 80 to cold for me. happy march, Get In The Car ha ha

  8. Your pool is GORGEOUS!

    Ooh...wee baby. ❤️ When I see a baby it is all I can do not to rush over and cuddle hug like your hubby is doing here!

  9. That water would be really freezing here. Looks like more fun with family. How wonderful. I''ll gladly hop in and go for coffee.

  10. Happy March! I am glad to see it and for spring to be rolling in as well.

  11. Happy to join y'all ... this is going to be a great ride!

  12. Oh, those monkeys and the logo on the car made me smile. Anything with coffee brings a smile to my face. : ) That baby boy is so precious, and such a cute picture of him and grandpa. The Italian dinner sounds delicious. You know, I can eat bread and butter alone for a meal, it's that good! Your daughter's sweater is so cute. It looks Springy. : )

    Happy March, Shug!


  13. Happy birthday to Tyler and Keelan! My favorite is that photo of grandpa holding the new baby. The Italian sounded good too. I love bread and butter. It is my downfall.


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Get In, We're Going

Just a day late, but Hello March! Yesterday was absolutely GORGEOUS around here!  Full bright 🌞 sunshine and warm weather.   Mylee actually...