Friday, September 6, 2024

Update on Baby!

Update on our Ggrandson's surgery:  It was a long afternoon yesterday.  William's surgery went well and the surgeon was able to repair the hernia.  Hoping they will be able to come home some time today.  He was in quite a bit of pain during the night, but hopefully they have it under control.  Continued prayers please.  


 This post is all about random things,

My life has many "this and that's" so I thought I would share a few with you.  

First of all for some humor! ๐Ÿ˜‚

This picture made me laugh.

Great-Granddaughter after eating a chocolate covered donut.  It must have been very good.   I'm wondering if she even tasted the chocolate because it looks like it all ended up on her face! ๐Ÿ˜‚

A surprise delivery! ๐Ÿš—

A very good friend.....(our granddaughter-in-law's dad) Brought this beautiful vase of fall flowers for me to enjoy!  They are beautiful and totally brightened my day.   Thank you Brady!  

A great find!!  Our family loves to play bingo.
I have a Christmas Bingo game that I made and laminated some 20 years ago.  This game has been used for each of those 20 years and we have actually loaned it out a couple of times for others to use.  
I found this Fall bingo set for only $4.00.  I had to buy it!!  We will definitely be playing bingo this Thanksgiving.  

Check out this adorable dish that I found while shopping at Home Goods!!  Even though it is a ghost, I fell in love with it because I am always saying "OH" and this reminds me of me.  

This glass pumpkin was calling my name.  
And a plus to this particular one is that it lights up!

I baked chocolate Zucchini bread yesterday.

Grandson, Trey was my taste tester, along with Sam.  Trey thought they tasted great!  He actually wanted to come by and get some more.  
Sam wasn't quite as big of a fan.  He thought I needed to have added extra sugar.  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

So this is a little bit of "THIS AND THAT."

  ~ ~ ~ 

Prayer Request

Our newest baby boy will be having surgery today around 2:00.  William was admitted into the hospital yesterday as he has a hernia that has to be repaired.  Tucker is our grandson who had childhood leukemia and his wife had to have a kidney removed, due to cancer when she was 3.  They need our prayers as well.  When they discovered the hard knot in William's abdomen, this was a very challenging moment for them.  
The thought of their 2 month old baby undergoing anesthesia let alone surgery has been a bit overwhelming for them.  

I just ask that you will support our family in praying for Baby W, the doctors, the surgical team, and Tucker & Emily.  

God's help is only a prayer away!



  1. Prayers for all lifted! May God's presence be with every one of you at this tough juncture in your lives. Blessings!

  2. I have just been praying for the baby. For things to go very well and no problems with the anesthetic. Keep us updated. Your flowers are gorgeous! Can I just tell you how quickly I left your blog and went straight to Amazon when I saw your bingo game?? They have a LOT of fall bingos. None as cheap as you found, but not expensive. I am deciding which one to buy. You find the best things. This orange pumpkin is stunning, now I really want a trip to Home Goods! I love that store.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about baby William's hernia, Shug. I just said a prayer for him and his parents. Medical help is amazing these days. I love that orange glass pumpkin that you found while out shopping. And how cool that it lights up! Your chocolate zucchini bread looks Yummy! That is such a delightful Harvest Bingo. I am a Bingo lover as well; it's so fun when we can say Bingo! haha. I enjoyed your "this and that" post, Shug. They are actually one of my favorite posts in blog land. Isn't Home Goods the best? ; )


  4. I'm praying for your precious William's surgery and for his parents too - what a difficult journey for them! Praying that the Lord encompasses them with His healing and peace! Love your pumpkin that lights up, its a beauty! Harvest bingo sounds very fun! That would be a fun game to play! Many blessings to you dear friend :)

  5. I just prayed for baby William as well as his Mom and Dad. My first born son had the inguinal hernia at 2 months old and had surgery. It can be very scary for a young mom and dad. I stayed in the hospital with him. He was so much happier once he had that procedure done.

  6. Well, I am reading this late - I will pray that he goes through the night without much pain and hopefully go home tomorrow. Boy, his parents have gone through the ringer too!
    I love the items you bought at Home Goods - I love that store. The ghost plate and the pumpkins were just fantastic.
    I also bet the chocolate zucchini cake was good too.

  7. Prayers for baby William and for his parents too! What a pretty pumpkin!

  8. Oh! I'm praying for the family!!!
    That bread looks wonderful!
    Happy weekend!

  9. Prayers for all coming your way. How does the Harvest Bingo work?

    1. There are individual small cards for each of the images on the big bingo card. As you draw a picture, and it is on your card, you place a penny on that spot until all the images in a row are covered...then it's BINGO

  10. Thanks for the update on baby William - that's great news!

  11. Glad the baby is doing well. Your bake looks good.

  12. Somebody's chocolate face is too funny! Are you going to save that one for the slideshow at her wedding? Thanks for telling Kathy G how to play Harvest Bingo, so I would know, too.
    Prayers for sweet baby William!

    1. Oh...that is a great idea to save this picture for her wedding. Thank you for your prayers for our little one. We love Bingo around here and the sillier the prizes, the more they like winning. They love some dollar bills as well..

  13. I don’t get why the email on my profile doesn’t work. Anyway you can email me at

  14. I Shug~ Oh my goodness, prayers will be said for you sweet little grand and his parents ๐Ÿ™ I'm glad his surgery was successful. What a wonderful post! That chocolaty face is so cute, and I loved the pumpkin and the little ghost... darling! Your chocolate zucchini bread looks delicious! I actually like mine a little less sweet, but like Sam, Bob like his sweeter than I do. Have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow! Hugs, Barb


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