Sunday, September 22, 2024

Productive Weekend


** This is the Last Weekend to swim this year......

**. Trimming back all of the pot plants.....

**. Homecoming Weekend for Mylee......


This weekend has been full of productivity as well as relaxation.  

Knowing, that this is likely the last warm weekend to swim, Sam and I wanted to make the most of the pool before we cover it.  

Sadly, this afternoon, we will pull out the heavy pool cover, and the kids have made plans to come help us cover the pool.    Swim season will be over for 2024.  


In addition to enjoying the pool, I needed to trim back all the pot plants. Today is the first day of Fall, so I figured it is a great time to trim all the pot plants.  I need to get them ready to go to the greenhouse.  As Fall arrives, I like to make sure that the backyard and all areas around the pool, are clean and neat.

I do have this one plant in a pot that I think I'll leave for a while.  I don't even know what it is, but it has so many golden berries on it.  


This was Homecoming Weekend at Mylee's High School.....

Friday Evening.....


Homecoming for MJ added some excitement to the weekend.  With all the festivities and events surrounding Homecoming, there was a lot of activity going on around here.  Balancing relaxation, working in the yard, and celebrating this special occasion has made for a memorable and fun weekend.  

Our outdoor temps are still in the upper 90's, however, we are expecting a full week of 80 degrees days this next week.  Woo Hoo!!!

We had a visiting Pastor today at church.  Great message on 2 Chronicles 20:12

We can feel hopeless without God.  
God Always, always, always, takes care of His children.  

Happy Sunday...




  1. Busy weekend for you! Mylee is a beauty!

  2. Our son and DIL took their swimming pool for their girls down this weekend too. It was time. School is back in session and the days are shorter and the weather is definitely changing to Autumn. Having family helping you is a blessing. I wanted to say thank-you for stopping by my blog and becoming my newest follower. I am now following along with your blog.

  3. Mylee is a very pretty girl! I know you must hate to take your pool down - put the cover on it - I would too. And you have a greenhouse - impressive. I am waiting for Mother Nature to know we are in fall!

  4. Mylee is looking gorgeous! But she always does! I was going to ask you about the plant with yellow berries, it is gorgeous!! I may do some research and let you know if I find out.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Productive Weekend

  ** This is the Last Weekend to swim this year...... * *. Trimming back all of the pot plants..... **. Homecoming Weekend for Mylee......  ...