Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Love of Old Quilts

 I have a love for Old quilts....I guess you could say I have a love for quilts in general......Old or New.  

I like to think of them as Handmade Treasures. 

Sadly, I only have two.  One of them I purchased online and it is very well made.  The other, was given to me after my mom passed away.  She was at hospice and on every bed was a very nice homemade quilt.  All the quilts are donated!

I have it packed away in a box for protection. 

One of my grandmother's died at a very early age, so I don't even know if she ever quilted.  
My other grandmother did quilt, however I did not get one of them.  😢

I so admire those who are gifted with the talent of quilting.  I also admire how they pass these golden treasures down to their loved ones.  

I do hope that the recipients of such a gift understands how blessed they are.  

I honestly think that Quilt making has been cherished as a tradition for 100's of years and even respected as a family legacy handed down from one generation to another.  

The sentimental value of knowing that your mother or your grandmother's hands placed each stitch meticulously where they needed to be, would have had to have left a significant, everlasting warmth and appreciation.  (long sentence) lol.

I often think of how over the years, old quilts have just been left behind, as the younger generations may not have totally understood the dedication of love and labor that was placed into making a quilt.  

Now......here I am as mother, grandmother and great grandmother......and I will not have a priceless gift such as a quilt to pass down to my family.  

For all of you out there who have the talent of quilting....I sure admire you!!  Even when you love something as much as I love quilts, having a hundred of them would never be enough.  

Many times on any given day, I go to Pinterest or to Facebook and I just spend time admiring the beauty of such a talent.  

Till Later.....



  1. I agree with everything you say. I think quilts are unique among things...there is no other thing quite like them and what they represent.

  2. Oh Shug, I loved your post today, as I appreciate handmade quilts too. My sister used to sew quilts, and it's such a talent. Everything you said was so true, and I wish I had one myself, but I don't. How special that you have kept two treasured ones. My mom sewed a beautiful velvet bedspread made out of different squares of fabric, but my sister got that. Yes, quilt making goes way back to the pioneer days, which is my favorite era. So, whenever I see a quilt, it makes me smile. Thank you for reminding me just how special a handmade quilt is, Shug.


  3. You should have known my Mom as she made so many quilts in her lifetime. I cannot ever use all the ones she made for me. I appreciate anything homemade and because I am NOT a seamstress I appreciate all that goes into every quilt!

  4. I love quilts, but have never owned one. and I can barely put a button back on my husbands shorts. I did sleep under one that was the ugliest quilt ever, for my childhood. it was solid brown, my grandmother gave it to my mom to take to KY with us because it was snow country. it was so heavy I could hardly turn over under it. it sure kept me warm when the ice was on the inside of my attic window.

  5. Although no one in my family made quilts, I do treasure one that my mother and dad purchased years back that now resides on the bed in our guest room. I love it! Blessings, Shug!

  6. Hi Shug~ I love old quilts as well, and how lucky you are to have those beautiful, handmade quilts. I have several old, old, quilts. One of them was made by my great-grandmother, and one by a grandmother that passed when I was a young child. I treasure both of them so much. They are both old and fragile and need some repair, but they are beautiful! I agree that some young people don't treasure things that were so precious, useful and cherished by our ancestors. I would love to learn how to quilt! I also look at the gorgeous quilts on Pinterest . . . and dream!! Wonderful post! Hugs, Barb

  7. I had some baby quilts from when the boys were little. DIL One wasn't interested in them, but DIL Two was excited to have something handmade.

  8. Quilting is a labor of love - and someone who cared made it to care about someone else. I have a couple too. They are so comforting. Some are so fantastic it's hard to believe they were hand made.

  9. That is a bittersweet story about the quilt you got when Mom passed. Mine is gone too. Lots of bittersweets.


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