Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Bee On Time

 I certainly hope that this does not sound like I am complaining......Well, maybe I am just a bit.  

I'm trying to understand, but when this happens {ALL THE TIME} it makes me want to question someone. 

             8:10 was my appointment Time.

The benefit of being able to schedule a doctor's APPOINTMENT, is being able to plan your day...    Right?

I had an appointment this morning to see my Rheumatologist.  I was to be his very first appointment of the day.  The reason why I made the appointment so early is because the last 6 times that I have had an appointment, I have had to wait at least an hour and longer for the visit.  

I waited about 10 minutes in the waiting room, before being called back to the examination room.  In this tiny room, with 4 white walls, a table, a blood pressure machine and a computer...I sat for an hour and twenty seven minutes.  By myself....only me!

LOL...what I thought was going to be an "in and out" appointment turned out being two and half hours.  

I truly can understand if this happened one time, but NOT 6 times of being overly late.  

Why don't I find another doctor?  Because he is the BEST in our area.    I for sure would not want to be the last appointment of the day......... Rant over!

I am thankful that I at least have a doctor.  

I am thankful that there are meds to help with my autoimmune disease.  

I am thankful that I do not work and do not have to worry about having to take a full day off, for one doctor's appointment.  

On a happier note  🎵........It rained here today!! 

I promise I will share a nice happy post tomorrow...  



  1. I'm so sorry you had to wait so long for the appointment, Shug. I totally understand. At my dentist's office, if you don't show up and give 24 hr. notice, you have to come and sit-in on another day until you can get another appt. The reason was valid that I didn't show up and even called, but I still had to wait there that day for about three hours. It was awful. So, I understand your rant.....especially since you got there at 8:10 am first thing. I understand busyness, but our time is valuable too. And all your "thankfuls" you mentioned surely says you are such a grateful person. So glad you got some rain!


  2. You are nice - just venting and then you were able to see the goodness in it. LOL
    Did you ask them why? I think I would be a nervous wreck myself. Glad it is raining - we are getting some too.

  3. The first appointment of the day and the Dr was that late, was there an emergency? I hope you had a good book to read or some hand sewing to do. I hope that Dr was worth the wait and that he is taking good care of you.

  4. about 20 years ago, I dragged my husband to the primary and they put us in the room and forgot we were there. at 1 hour I opened the door and asked, it was another 45 minutes. that was our last time at that doctor. he was primary, a specialist like you go to, is another story. I would have waited too and hoped they did not take my BP

  5. We have been fortunate, overall, to have doctors who can see us in a timely manner. I'm afraid that waiting that long, even for the best doctor, would have me on my last frayed nerve. That said, I always bring something to read when going to an appointment.
    Blessings, Shug!

  6. Hi Shug~ It must be a thing with rheumatoid docs! Mine was always late, every single time... it's annoying. My family doctor is finally just handling all of my rheumatoid needs . . . much easier and faster. I'm so glad you finally got some rain! I hope you start getting some cooler weather. We are only going to be in the high 50's today, and it's raining ;0) I love your header photo, it's so pretty with those little bees doing their work! Hugs, Barb

  7. Did you ask him why he's always late? I'm sorry you can't find a more respectful doctor that is just as good. Glad the treatments help.

    1. I wish I had....and should have when he said, "Sorry I'm Late". I did talk to the lady at the check out counter....she said he is always late! Argh..

  8. The only doctor I cut some slack for is the OB/GYN (because women don't go into labor on schedule), but have even walked out of there if he was extremely delayed.

  9. A few years ago at UAB I was called into a private room to wait for news about Tom's procedure. Guess what? They forgot I was there and went home. It all worked out, but I was sure annoyed. My friend always asks for the first appointment after lunch and claims that works well for her.

  10. Hello Shug, Thanks for coming by to visit, and for your sweet comments.
    Read your post some days ago, but just never got back to leave a comment until now. Talking about waiting in the Drs. office.....I remember years ago Ralph Nader who was a consumer advocate talking about that happening to him a number of times and he sent the Dr. a bill for the time he wasted waiting in his office. He basically said my time is important and this is the time I missed working and it cost me whatever the amount
    I thought that is so true, and that is after all, why we schedule appts.
    I think if they are running late all the time they need to have the person who does the scheduling give a lil more time in between patients. I loved at the
    end that you said you were thankful to have a Dr. and that your meds were working and that because you don't work outside the home you had the time to deal with it. Cause in this world we do have annoyances and irritations and we are human, but you are definitely not a complainer or whiner, you have a valid point, so don't blame you for expressing it.
    Hope you have had a good week. Blessings, Nellie


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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