Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Feeling Lost

 It is that time of the year around here.  SPRING BREAK.   

Our youngest Granddaughter (the only grandchild in school) attends a private school,  and her mom (our youngest daughter) teaches at that same school.  
Their school is out for two weeks!!  πŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ’š

The first week......students get to choose specific mission trips that they want to go on.  This year they could choose between France, the Amazon, Costa Rica, New York, California, and a few other closer places.  

Our daughter is a sponsor on one the closer trips and is with about 50, seventh grade students.  Woo!!  πŸ˜¬
Our granddaughter chose Costa Rica!
She will be there with the school for the first week and then she is staying an extra week with a friend and her parents.  These students are helping build a home for a family there in Costa Rica. 

I already feel a bit lost, but then, on Friday of this week, the rest of my crew is traveling to Lake Tahoe to go snow skiing for a week. 
I guess I should have planned a trip for myself!!

I plan to keep myself busy working in the yard...


"Be happy not because everything is goo, but because you can see the good side everything."



  1. Please keep us updated on how the Mission Trip goes. Our boys went to Mexico and helped build a church. It was a good experience for them.

  2. Well, if you have been needing some quiet alone time, you will have it!

  3. Costa Rica will be fun for the students. All three of my kids traveled there, and had a fun time. And I'm very familiar with Lake Tahoe, as it's not too far from my hometown. With your family gone, this will give you time to do something just for yourself. "Me time" is always a good thing. I hope your family has safe travels coming up on Spring break. And the words you shared at the end are wonderful, Shug.


  4. I know what you mean. Try to enjoy the free time. Things will be back to normal soon. 😊


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