Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Fence We all Know....

 I must admit....I truly love the "OLD" kind of country, back road fences....But, sitting  high on my list would also be Baseball fences!  A fence we all know!

I grew up, watching my brothers play ball at the "Pig Pen".....better known as the BASEBALL field.  Those were the good ol' days.  There is no way to measure the amount of fun that all of us kids had.

I remember the day that my grandson stuck his  water bottle inside this fence.  It was a super hot day....about three years ago.  I have no idea why I took this picture...but, I'm glad I did.  Lots of great memories of this particular day!

I love everything about this picture....
The American Flag...the guys with their hand placed on their heart...the trees in the background, the FENCE....and of course, #12...our oldest grandson!!!

Again...I love this fence!!  AND...
the handsome guy in front of the fence.

Here is the Chain link fence again with that beautiful covering of yellow plastic that helps to protect the kids from injury!

Mylee Jo...{youngest Granddaughter} understands all about honoring our flag and our Country!

another yellow topped fence!!!

"Buddy" watching the game, and getting a little rest ever now and then.!!

A whole lot of children walk through the gates of these baseball fields!  Even at a early age, the game teaches them....
Self confidence, Respect, Team Work, Patience, and they also learn how to manage success as well as disappointments.

Most of all....Kids HAVE FUN!

{Grandson, Carson.....Early years!  Same grandson that stuck the water bottle in the fence}

Our family spends a whole lot of hours at the Baseball Park....

 I'm joining Good Fences today

Hugs to all...
Shug ~


  1. My grandson starts practice this week for baseball season, so we will be watching many games this summer. His team actually went all the way to the state tournament...7 year olds!

  2. It is always nice to see the kids playing activities outside.. Baseball is a summer time favorite. Love the photos of your grandchildren! And the cute pup! Great fence shots.. Have a happy day!

  3. in wisconsin, i spent summers and evenings walking down to the local softball park to watch the leagues play. what great fun and great memories you brought up!

    (and it's so cool you recognized the place in my post today!)

  4. this is truly a GOOD fence and a very Good Story to go with it. my photo through the windshield, i was stopped with the camera on the steering wheel.. your grandchildren are beautiful. my favorite pic is the one of the boys with the flag and the water bottle is my kind of photo

  5. Lovely post. I think we have all sat behind a similar fences and made memories. Thanks for the visit. Janey

  6. Fences for safety and great memories.

    Thanks for visiting my blog post.

  7. Lovely post and Grandchildren.

  8. Yep, I know those fences well. Many, many hours were spent at ballparks. Those were good days and good times! Sweet photos of the kids!

  9. Neat fences and some nice stories behind them :)
    Hug in return :))

  10. Loved all the ballgame pictures. The bottle in the fence, you know, it is one way not to have to hold the bottle all the time, or perhaps if you need both hands for some other task. It is cool.

    Thanks for stopping by blog today. I really appreciate it!

    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  11. Respect for their country and teamwork, I am all for it!!! And can I tell you how much I LOVE the backs of the kids as they salute the flag!! That is my favorite picture today, and there is everything good about it! Our flag waving in the breeze, the respect for our country, the beautiful trees. Here, we call these kind of fences Chain Link. We had one when I was a teenager. Love the idea of the yellow protector. And your header is just plain CUTE!

  12. oohhhh these images are just awesome!! For me, it was all about the baseball, I could hardly focus on the fences!!

    I love baseball and I just loved going to my boys games. Now I wait for grands, so I can go once again!!

  13. Great fences! In our house it is all about softball. Our first scrimmage in a week from Saturday.

  14. I felt like I was taking a troll down memory lane. Great post and great fences.

  15. Hi Shug...I certainly agree with you about BOTH kinds of fences...I love the old, run down country ones but I also have those memories of my boys and my grandsons behind those chain link fences in their uniforms. Thanks for the neat reminder!

  16. I fondly remember (and miss) the days when my son played baseball (he's away at college, so no more games to attend). You've really captured the spirit!

  17. The best kinds of fences are the ones we remember for a reason!

  18. Fun times behind your fences :-)

  19. What a sweet family post! I like baseball (pretty much the only sport I understand). You've got some great portraits there... I hope you're making a photo album/scrapbook for each of your grands! They will treasure these memories forever.

  20. I love the simplicity of the water bottle in the fence. It tells the story of the day. Great shots.

  21. Shug, this is a beautiful series. Your photos are warm and emotional and tell a story. That is exactly what they should do!

    Your header made me very hungry, so I am off to eat some lunch and return to see your other posts that I missed. :)


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