Thursday, November 7, 2013

Road Trip Again....

Hey y'all......    Sam and I are on a friends trip....   We are Branson bound with four of our best friends.

Our travels today have been more than exciting.....things we've done and the places we've seen today, has certainly brought us much laughter and lots of special memories.   

I can't wait to see what the next three days bring.   I know for sure, that we will be seeing "The Miracle of Christmas" and other than that....who knows what other things we will see or get in to!!!!!

Ill keep you posted!!!!!

This crew that I'm running with......well, lets just say......they are "CRAZY"



Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Senior Volleyball......

Volleyball......a game that I know very little about.

Last evening......The Senior Class of BHS challenged the Staff of BHS to a 
Volleyball challenge.    This event was a fundraiser and the proceeds went to the

BHS Graduating Class of 2014 to help finance their Graduation Lock-in!!!!

Yes......the guy in the blue tights and the green shorts, does belong to this family!!!!   Mr. Tyler himself....

And we all know that a game isn't a true game without a little bit of friendly yakking!!

Lauren, in the pink shirt......and Becky, in the white shorts....... are the REAL
coaches of our HS Girls Volleyball teams.

What's a team without the CHEERLEADERS??   Great job guys and girls!!!

(The one on the left in the light blue my nephew, Aaron)
Way to go Aaron...

What we have here, is a little bit of Friendly Booing towards the  "staff team!!"

A great group of kids......having fun!

By the way......the "Staff" team WON!!

Happy Day Y'all......

Shug ~

Monday, November 4, 2013

No Shave....and Honest Chatter

Good, Happy, Monday morning to you.   Looks like we might have some rain showers around here!  If God sends rain, then I'm gonna Embrace it!!   

Hmmm...I haven't played out in the rain, in a very long time.  I'm always looking for a new adventure, so today just might be filled with Lots of playing in the rain!!  

Hey......It's "No Shave" November!!!  Here's my question......Are any of the guys in your home participating in this awesome event????    In our home, we currently have 4 wonderful guys who already have whiskers on their handsome faces.  Ummm...some of them have more than the others!!!!  Isn't that right Tucker??  

What is "No Shave November?"   

Simple.  No-Shave November is a unique way to raise cancer awareness.  What better way to grow awareness than with some hair?  Show your support and give back.


Now, for a little Honest chatter.....   In my life, I choose to stay on the "Positive" path.   With this being said, I want to say that I know that there are hurting people, all around.  Real life situations have a way bringing along some real baggage.

I never take lightly, that even though I may be walking down the positive paths of life, the person next to me, or the person reading my post, may very well be walking in shoes with no soles.  They are hurting, or they may feel that they can no longer move forward for fear of the pain that the next step may bring.

It is my desire to always be aware, and to encourage others to keep moving forward...... just beyond the bend in the road, there is HOPE!

Can you imagine the devastation of having two negative personalities hanging out together....I have a strong feeling that the path would somehow, become a long, narrowing path.

Life isn't perfect for any of us...... this I know!

Blessings and Wishes for a "Positive thought" kind of day.

Shug ~

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Normal Time Right Now....

Hey there sweet friends.....Hope this has been a Fabulous weekend for each of you!

I just looked at the time on my laptop, and it reads.....7:27. My seems like it should already be around 9:30 or 10:00 P.M.

By the way....What about my Canadian friends?   Do you all change your clocks twice a year like we do here in the USA?
I've never thought about this before.

We are in NORMAL time right now!!  In other words, time is like it's suppose to be.   Seems so weird, changing our time 
back and forth a couple times each year.

I must admit...I do like Daylight Savings Time.   I'm a sunshine kind of gal, so I really do enjoy the daytime hours.

For me, it takes at least a couple of weeks to get myself settled into the change.    Guess I need to manage my TIME a little better!!!

Here's hoping that you all rest well tonight....I'm already tired, or perhaps it's my MIND that is making me think it's bed time...


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Things I love.....

and, I honestly do love Thanksgiving.........

                       I know that I've said this before....but listen, what has happened to that once, beautiful day that we all call 


I get it......I really do.   The BOO pumpkins have gone away, and all of the scary stuff has been put away.....   No more gobblins, no more haunted houses, NO MORE HALLOWEEN..

But really.?.?.?    

Trista, Tori, and I were in town this morning, and I was in dis-belief to be hearing "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"
being played throughout the store on this November 2nd.

Workers were busy....taking Fall items off of the shelves, only to be replacing them with all kinds of Christmas decorations. 

It's beginning to look as if I'm going to have to start going to visit my Canadian friends for Thanksgiving.   At least I could enjoy this special day, without having all the commercialism of Christmas being stuffed in my Turkey!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess it's the Turkey's fault......

Happy Weekend...


The Big Weekend

This was the Big weekend for Tammy (my niece)   * * * *  I talked about this last week in one of my post.   The big "Night to Shine...