Thursday, April 5, 2012

As High As A Kite.....


It's a good, good morning around here....

I was awakened this morning by the happiness of the numerous birds that were singing outside of my bedroom window....

What a delightful sound to wake up to.

Take a step into our home and chances are, you'll find yourself as "High as a Kite."   This is the reason that my windows are all open.  

Do you remember that kitchen remodeling project that I spoke of several months ago?  Well, it is finally getting finished.  The painters are here this week and oh my, the odors are so strong.  

The process of staining, shellacking, sanding, and painting leaves the house filled with enough {highs}...... that could send a kite sailing to the moon.

Thank goodness, the temps around here have been cooler than they were last week.  It really has not been that bad without the air conditioner running...  We have raised all the windows and we have 3 different fans buzzing in our bedroom.  

Sleeping is not a problem, but staying home during the day is, so I have kinda been {scattered} this week, and this is the reason why I have not been able to do my daily visits in the blogging world....  Mylee and I have been out and about doing all sorts of things...

Hopefully these guys will be finished by tomorrow......If not, I'll continue to enjoy the beautiful singing from the birds.....

Make today a great day!



  1. Shug, if you lived near I would be happy to let you borrow anything!

    You made me happy just reading your post and I just heard a bird sing. No open windows yet though it is freezing in the mornings still. Good luck with the kitchen. How wonderful when it is all done!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I am so excited for you. A new kitchen is a woman's dream. Can't wait to see it.

  3. I think you posted a picture here that I am not seeing? Just a tiny black square...that is happening to me on another blog, too. I can't see any of her pictures. I don't may be just me! So cool that your kitchen is getting closer to finished, I can't wait ti see it.

  4. How very exciting indeed. I hope the men finish up the job soon.

    Happy Easter!


  5. A new kitchen will bring lots of blog fodder and I look forward to hearing about it and seeing pics.

    Happy, happy Easter!

  6. The weather is perfect for that kind of project!! Looking forward to seeing the finished result, Shug! blessings ~ tanna

  7. I know you'll be glad when everything is finished! We're still slow about getting our bathroom done...we keep getting sidetracked, mostly on outside projects now.

    Happy Easter!!


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