Monday, October 28, 2024

Look what I Discovered

 Computer Update!   I was able to get an appointment yesterday to get my computer in to the geek squad..  Looks like they will have it for about 3 Days. not as long as I thought.  It is a bit harder trying to blog from my phone, but I had already written this one for today.  Happy Monday Friends!! 

What kind of excitement do you feel when you discover a new sweater or other piece of clothing in your closet?  

I love to find bargains and a lot of the times, the bargains come way after a season is over.  

Last year I found a bright orange sweater with 3 ghost on it.  Guess what?  It was the perfect fit.  Hey....finding the sweater is one thing and then realizing that it is your size...that is another big thing.  I absolutely purchased it!  For one thing I got a bargain and another great thing,  I really liked it.  

For me, it was like shopping in my own closet!!  Shopping with NO expense!  Now this is my kind of a deal.  

This moment of surprise and delight, made my day.  You know what is even greater?  I found it just in time for Halloween!  


I dug out the electric blanket, but goodness knows that we do not need it right now.  I just wanted to go ahead and get it on the bed and make sure that it was all good before the Winter months arrive. works great.  


Sam and I voted last Friday!
I know that I made the right choice and I can only hope that the majority of this Country makes the same choice as ME.



Wishing you a Feel Good Kind of Day........

Sunday, October 27, 2024

When the Door Won't open


Not sure that I will be able to Blog this week!!! My computer needs to go to the geek squad for a few days!!  I’ll be back As SOON as Possible!!  

If the door doesn't open, it's not your door!

Which of these doors would you most likely choose to be yours?

Each of us has a unique path laid out by God and only the doors meant for us will eventually open.  Some doors look very appealing, and some are doors we wouldn't choose for ourselves.  BUT: None of us really know what is behind a waiting door! A door that God leads us to.  
When we walk by Faith, trust in God's timing, and remain patient, we allow ourselves to let go of what isn't meant for us....the door will be closed.  
I have experienced CLOSED doors in my life and I have felt disappointment, frustration, and even despair at times.  
With each of the closed doors that I experienced, I know that God has redirected me towards a unique door with a much higher purpose. 

I have often found that those closed doors were actually God's way of protecting me. 

Oh goodness....many times a closed door has left me wanting to give up on my dreams, but through my Faith, I know that God will open the perfect door.......A door with my name on it!
HIS purpose for me will be greater than any life dream I could ever have.  

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "for I know the plans I have for you.....plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  


When we stop hanging on to the door handle of what isn't our door, we position ourselves to receive what GOD has always intended for us.....a door that has our Name on it.  

                                          Be Blessed my Friends.



Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Quiet Observer

 The Quiet Observer:

Sam and I went for a nice walk yesterday evening.  I wanted to go walk, mainly to get some exercise.  Of course, a nice soft walk isn't quite what one might need if you are really walking for the exercise.  The way I see it, a soft walk is better than NO walk.  


When I say that a Quiet walker sometimes see the most, I mean that when you are not in a hurry, you are able to notice little things along the pathway of your walk...STROLL.

We had just barely began our walk yesterday, when I looked down and found a nickel in the grass.  If I had been walking fast, I would not have noticed the nickel at all.  


I enjoyed seeing the four o' clock flowers that are still blooming, and watching two squirrels as they scurried up a tree when they saw us walking by.  I also noticed leaves that are in the middle of changing colors, and some of them were swaying in the wind, as they gently were falling to the ground.  


By the end of our walk, I realized that it feels really nice just to be able to walk slowly,  and enjoy the sweet things of nature along my path.  


A nice reminder for me to slow down, pay attention, and notice the beauty and the hidden bonuses of nature.  

I think it is a great day to be HAPPY!!


Friday, October 25, 2024

Happy FRIDAY morning!  

Sam had a late doctor's appointment yesterday.  What was to be a regular check-up has turned in to him needing to have 
2 new MRI's this next week, plus another test.
Not only is his cirrhosis being difficult, but he is having some big time blood sugar issues. 
Just before his doctor came into the examination room, a student doctor came in.  The first question he asked was why Sam had cirrhosis of the liver.  He said: "is it from drinking too much alcohol?"
I suppose that might be the obvious reason for most, but Sam has NEVER drank alcohol.  There ARE other reason why people get cirrhosis of the liver.  Fatty liver is one and the other is a person's genes!  

After the doctor's appointment, we went to the Nursing home to visit Sam's dad.  

We took him outside and although this 
picture doesn't show it, he really enjoyed being out in the nice air.  It was so comfortable outside.  

After we made it home, we had a big laugh.  

The great grandkids and their moms were here when we left to go to the doctor.    Emersyn thought this would be funny way to trick her Pops!  

Mylee and I had lunch together yesterday.  
Sushi was the choice.

This was my message in my fortune cookie..

So True!!  Home is where the Heart is!

(((.....I am grateful for each of you.....)))



Look what I Discovered

  Computer Update!   I was able to get an appointment yesterday to get my computer in to the geek squad..  Looks like they will have it for ...