Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Our Halloween costumes have been ordered and now it is up to AMAZON to deliver!!     This story to be continued:

            The leaves in our area are slowly beginning to change. We have a "Cold" front coming our way, which means that the leaves will really be changing.  

The Sweetgum trees are usually the first to change and by the end of the Fall season, they are engulfed in Red leaves. 

I love watching how a falling leaf seems to  wave through the air in such a delicate and natural way.  It looks like each one, gracefully falls to the ground, as if it's waving goodby.  

I remember several years ago, Sam had given me a new camera and I was taking pictures of EVERYTHING.  One Sunday afternoon, we drove over to the State park to have picnic....Of course, I took my camera and it was my full intention to capture the BEST PICTURE of a falling leaf as it would be dancing to the ground.   

Wouldn't you know it......There was No wind at all that day and it was as if the leaves were being shy.  

I finally talked Sam in to gathering a bunch of leaves, so he could throw them way up above my head, hoping that when they were falling,  I could take a really neat

I captured the sky, the tree limbs, my thumb, and all other kinds of things, but not a single leaf.  lol.  

When I see a leaf falling, I am reminded to appreciate the beauty of the season, and by extension, appreciate each moment in life.  

We all know that each leaf that waves goodby, is essentially  paving the way for a new hello from a beautiful new leaf just waiting to bud out in the Spring.  


Quick update on my Brother.  Home Health has been coming out to help take care of his incisions.  The last two days, he has not felt good at all.  I took him in to the Doctor this morning, and the nurse flushed his two drains.  They were checking to make sure that there was no infection.  The doctor has called in some new meds as he has been very nauseated.  They told us this morning that he would not be able to go back to work until the first of the year.  😳     Trusting God..... because bills still have to be paid.  I know that God opened the door for him to be able to have this surgery, and we all know that God does not leave us hanging.  HE WILL MAKE A WAY

Blessings to you all on this beautiful day!


Monday, October 14, 2024



Hey Y'all

Well....Monday has arrived hasn't it? 

Some of you have asked how many children I have.  I have two Beautiful daughters, Trista and Shanda.  And then, I have two wonderful Son-in-laws!

Sam and I have six grandchildren.  Four grandsons and two granddaughters.  

Tyler is 28, Tucker 26, Carson 23, Tori 23, Trey 21 and Mylee 16.  Tyler and Tucker are married and their wives are Emalee and Emily.  Carson has a finance and her name is Emily.  Trey has a girlfriend and Tori has a boyfriend.  Mylee is just enjoying her Junior year of High School.  We also have three great-grandchildren.  Keelan, Emersyn, and William.  

I have two brothers....one is married and the other one is not.  


Saturday afternoon, I went shopping with my daughters (Trista and Shanda) to try to find me some new jeans.  

Listen ladies and guys too.... When shopping for jeans, you have to try them on!!  Just because they are tagged a certain size, does not mean that they will fit.  I think I tried on about 6 or 7 pair of jeans and found 2 that were the correct size.  

Have you shopped for jeans lately?  Wow....some of the styles are WAY OUT THERE!!   They have gone from Skinny to 

W-I-D-E  legged jeans, and from low waisted hip huggers, to being HIGH waisted.  

  Trista and I were laughing because one pair that I tried on looked like I had on a Denim Skirt!  Seriously....the legs were not only large, but they flared out.  NOT FOR ME!

After looking for jeans, I shopped for tops.  What in the World????  

I mean, we live in TEXAS!  One of the hottest 🌶 states in the USA.  What I found was stacks of sweaters and sweat shirts.  This hot natured lady cannot wear sweaters.  I came home with NO tops! 


So.....Sam and I have been invited to a Halloween Party.  A "Dress Up" Halloween party.  

What are we going to wear??

To Be Continued.......

Happy Monday!  

Sunday, October 13, 2024

2024 Pow Wow

 In our small town, which is nestled in the heart of Texas, the annual Pow Wow is way more than just a tradition--it is the event of the year.  

Each October, local folks along with many other out of town visitors, line the streets to prepare for the Pow Wow Parade.   

This event all began in 1988 as a way to celebrate the rich heritage of Native Americans.  In a certain area of our town there is a creek called as Battle Creek. Many Native American artifacts have been found along this area.  

  Battle Creek is the site of a battle in 1839 between Native American Chief Bowles's and his people against Texas troops. The earliest documented inhabitants of the area known as Chandler were Delaware, Cherokee and Kickapoo Indians. 

YES....the Pow Wow always kicks off with a grand parade and of course, our local High School Band fires up the crowd with the playing of their instruments and the beating of the drums. 

I love watching the kids as they stand in awe of the floats passing by.  They stand there holding their little bags, just waiting to fill them with the candy being thrown by those riding on the floats. 

I was amazed at how many Food vendors there were this year.  As Trista (my oldest daughter) and I walked the grounds, the smell of food was enticing us to explore our options.   The Fried Egg rolls are always a big hit....I know I smelled BBQ.  I mean....a Texan can always smell Hickory smoked BBQ.  I saw an Ice Cream trailer along with vendors selling Fried Pies, Corn of the Cob, Hamburgers, and kinds of savory and sweet delights. 

Wouldn't you know it....Trista and I both left our wallets (hidden) in her locked car.  We had to walk about 200 + yards to get from our parade viewing area, to the grounds where everything was set up.  
Neither one of us had any money in our pockets......not even a single penny!! lol.

We filled up on the comforting aromas of food, which was coming at us in all directions.  

I actually saw a few people that I have not seen in probably 30 years or so.  

Many local artist displayed their crafts at booths scattered throughout the festival. They were showcasing their many talents.

The Pow Wow is more than just a celebration....it is like a Homecoming of some sorts.  
The community comes together to celebrate the history of the town, and gives us the opportunity to see friends who perhaps no longer live in the area.  
The weather was perfect, and what I witnessed was simply many smiling faces, kids laughing and filled with wonder, and pure enjoyment from the crowd of people.  



Saturday, October 12, 2024


A few weeks ago, Sam and our grandson Trey, emptied my storage building for me.  They put everything on an 18 foot trailer, and the trailer has been parked in my drive way ever since.  

Yesterday afternoon....I decided to tackle this big job of sorting through the boxes.  I think I ended up emptying 5  FULL containers. 

I found one container full of cards, newspaper clippings, and several other items that are so sentimental to me.   Most of the cards in this container were from mine and Sam's wedding shower....some 52 years ago.

This was a booklet from our wedding shower.  It was a list of the gifts that we were Blessed with.

Next, I unearthed the cutest little Spider Man suit!

I kept all of my grandchildren until they each started school, and I have many memorable stories about each one of them.
This Spider Man Suit represents one of the big memories that I have.    We have had MANY conversations about the above Spider Man Suit.  Our 2nd grandson (Tucker) loved this little costume.  Everyday when he came to my house, he would have it on.  Trying to get him to take it off so I could wash it was a big chore.  You would not believe how many times I had to sew and repair the seams of this spider man suit.  I feel as if I made the thing with how much repair sewing I did.

I knew I had saved it, but could never find it Until yesterday.  There it was, neatly folded, sitting in the corner of one of the containers.  

This was a booklet that my youngest daughter (Shanda) made for me like 40 years ago.  It brought tears to my eyes when I took it out of the box.  Inside the book, she listed the reasons why she loved me.  
1.  Because you cook for me.
2.  You let me cry on you
3.  Because it is your Birthday

This next book was made by our Oldest grandson (Tyler) in 2006.

For an hour or so, it was like reliving the small but precious moments of years gone by. 

Digging a little deeper, I found School news papers from when Sam and I were in High School.  I took a few minutes and read through the school papers.  

At the bottom of this same container, I found several pieces of tissue paper carefully wrapped around some of my jewelry that I wore in High School. 
So many of the items that I came across, told a story of where I had been, things I had done, and the person I have loved for over 57 years.   (We have been married for 52 years and dated 5 years before we got married) 

The boxes that I went through yesterday, turned into a quiet, unexpected adventure.....a journey through time!

I can't wait to open the other containers.





Our Halloween costumes have been ordered and now it is up to AMAZON to deliver!!     This story to be continued:             The leaves in o...