Friday, March 21, 2025

It’s Friday

 Happy Friday, Friends!  The weekend is peeking around the corner, and today is a fresh start wrapped in sunshine and possibility.  It's a little cool outside this morning here in good ol' East Texas, but by afternoon we will be in the upper 70's.  

Let's sprinkle some kindness everywhere today! This beautiful day is ours to enjoy!!


Yesterday - Trista and I went in to town and did a few errands.  Income tax ✔ JC Penny ✔

Dillards ✔ Home Goods ✔ Target ✔ Lunch ✔


I've posted this picture before, but I think it is so cute and very creative.  Trista and I passed it again yesterday and I had to grab another picture.  An old tree stump!

This is so Me!!  when I find a pair of shoes that I like and that are comfortable....I buy them in every color.  Same with pants or tops. 
My girls laugh at me about this.

And finally......↓↓↓ 

This pretty well describes the way I garden.

Happy Friday friends....make it a good one!!


PS: Doctor's appointment update...I do have a miserable UTI.  Finally got the meds I need yesterday!  Thank you for all your prayers.


  1. Happy Friday! I love the tree stump.
    Praying you are better soon. UTI's are no fun!

  2. hope the meds kick in quickly, I have had a few in my lifetime.. I too love that stump and would always have to take one more picture. sounds like your busy morning ended with lunch, you deserved it

  3. I hope the meds work and you’ll start feeling better. Boy what a hectic day but you got it all done. I love that tree stump and good idea. The tree stump art is big around here but I’ve not seen it done on a live stump pointing to an address. That’s really clever!
    Have a good day.

  4. So glad that the medication the doc gave you is working, Shug. Feel better soon!

  5. Nice. What did you get at HG and Target?

  6. Sorry to hear you have a UTI...have some yogurt too! I do the exact same thing...same top different, pants, snow boots, must be some kind of sickness...BUT I rank comfort real high!

  7. That tree trunk is so creatively done!

  8. I had a day of errands yesterday too, Shug! It's nice when we get some things out of the way. That tree stump is really creative. Oh my gosh, I smiled when you said when you buy something you like, you buy them in every color. That is so me. ; ) It's hard to find clothes and shoes that fit just perfectly, so when we do, we have to grab them, right? That little gardening dog is delightful.

    Happy Spring Shug!


    1. **I'm sorry you have a UTI, and I hope you start feeling better very soon, Shug. Take care.

  9. Glad you finally got the meds you need and praying the issues go away asap.
    Wow, you really accomplished a lot. Love that your check-list is complete.
    Now take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  10. That tree stump is the cutest! Is the little cabin atop their mailbox, I wonder? I've got a serious case of the giggles over that pug in pink crocks. He/she's rocking it!
    I hope those meds kick your UTI to the curb, once and for all. (Remember that old commercial jingle, "Better living through chemistry!")

  11. I'm so glad that you now have the meds you need for the UTI. That will definitely help you feel better. Prayers continue for you.

    I love the creativity behind the tree trunk carving! SO clever!

    You are not alone when it comes to buying something in every color. :) I do it quite frequently.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.

  12. You are a chic gardener!! Except I know you would wear flip flops!! I have seen a lot of tree stump carvings, but this is the most detailed and creative one yet. It is awesome, and I am so glad you showed it.

  13. Hey Girlfriend ~ What a fun Friday post. Love the tree stump and you are quite the styling gardener!! I bet your shoe closet is a rainbow of colors. I guess I'm just "standard" one of a kind, until summer...I love summer sandels and the more the merrier! UTI are the worst kind of pain. So sorry, and hope the meds kick in immediately. I had cronic UTI's until I saw a urologist who dianosed my bladder condition and gave me the right meds. Yeah for good doctors. It changed my life. You bring sunshine and love in each of your posts. So glad to be your blog friend.
    Hugs, Wanda

  14. You two really did get a lot done!

  15. Happy Friday. It was a glorious day. I agree with buying something you like in every color

  16. I love that mailbox - or is that a mailbox? I like it anyway. And I look like you do in the garden. So glad your UTI will be getting under control. And I buy things in twos! lol

  17. In t he past few days I've also cranked out quite a few errands. It's nice to cross things off your list.


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