Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Blog Books

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FIRST BORN GRANDSON.....🅣🅨🅛🅔🅡!!  TODAY IS #29 FOR HIM!  I'm hoping his day is filled with so many wonderful Blessings...🎂🎉. Love you BIG, Tyler!


Good Morning:  The rain and the storms have now moved East... Praying all my friends in the path of these storms are safe with no damages to their homes or the areas that they live in.

After the rain stopped (around noon).....Here came the winds.  STRONG winds!  I thought for a bit that the winds were going to uproot my windmill palms!  Thankfully there was no damage.!

My printed Blog books were delivered!

Many of these memories go way back to 2005, before I even began blogging.

This is the first book I had printed back in 2011

This page includes a photo of the old Doctor's office where I was BORN!

The second book printed in 2013.

Both of these books were printed from "Blog 2 Print" which no longer prints.

These last two books were printed by 

Pixie did a good job, but I prefer the books printed by "Blog 2 Print."  Sad that they no longer print.  

I would encourage you all to Print your books, for your family to have as keepsakes. many of the stories and Post are family memories.  Just one reason why I post a lot of family pictures. 

So much easier than me having loose printed photos filling up a drawer. I keep these books out on my coffee table and they have been looked at many times.  Some of them contain OLD photos of past girlfriends and boyfriends, but I tell my kids...."Oh Look, a blast from the you need a moment to reflect on your wrong choices of the past?"    LOL. 
I just get stares from them!

These books are FUN and I do hope that my kids and grandkids will enjoy them for years to come.  

Y'all have a Blessed Day....




  1. Thanks Shug for the information. I faithfully used Blog 2 Print too.
    I am going to look up "Pixie" too.
    Love how you showed us all of your books.

  2. Your books are beautiful! I love that we can look back in our blogs and see what we were doing at certain times. I've never printed my blog like this, but I do a book every year through Mixbook with the pictures I've taken through the year.
    I should check into Pixie though for when I first started blogging. Thanks for this info!

  3. they look great, my sons don't even want the old photo albums I have, and none of my family ever looks at the blog. this is a good idea for when some day the internet crashes and burns or blogger and WordPress stop letting us blog. in other words you can save this for that or for when you are 80 and your brain forgets how to log on and look, you can always page through a book to remember. great idea to have it out on the table for everyone to look through.

  4. Hello, my friend. Thank you for this. I have never printed my blog, but am always thinking about it. I will check out the company you mentioned. Have a cozy afternoon!

  5. It's wonderful you are having blog books made, Shug. I wanted to do that myself, maybe sometime. The yellow book has a cheerful cover, but I like the black books too, they are classy. That picture of your mom is dear, and I see a resemblance between you both. Glad to hear no damage was done to your house from the storms. Have a beautiful rest of the week, Shug.


  6. What a wonderful idea! It truly is a precious keepsake for loved ones. Yours looked like they turned out so nicely. Blessings on the rest of your week. xoxo

  7. Wow that is so awesome. I’d love to leave this gift to my loved ones. I’ll check it out. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Okay I will be honest with you - I would love to have my blogs printed - but I know they are expensive, and I just don't have it - at least now! Maybe someday - but boy and I ever impressed with your books. They look so classy, and you can keep them all in one place. Happy birthday to your 29-year-old grandson!

  9. Happy Birthday to Tyler. I thought about doing the blog books at one time but never got around to it.

  10. What a cutie you were in that letter jacket. Is that Sam?
    I'm so glad you've got these memory books. Like Sandra, however, I doubt my son or grands would be interested.

    PS - I'm so intrigued by these great photo collages. What program do you use?

  11. Thanks for the recommendation! I will look into Pixie as I need to have a number of books made. Way to go!

  12. I hope your children and grandchildren will appreciate all these photo memories, too, Shug. I am currently making "albums" under categories on my computer. This is a way to make sure they are preserved in hard copy form that really appeals to me. Blessings!


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Blog Books

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FIRST BORN GRANDSON.....🅣🅨🅛🅔🅡!!  TODAY IS #29 FOR HIM!  I'm hoping his day is filled with so many wonderful ...