Good Reasons to Put the Phone down!!
Sam had a dentist appointment yesterday afternoon...(seems like it took forever)
After his appointment, we ran a couple of errands, and then stopped by McAllisters to grab a sandwich for dinner.
NOTE** McAllisters has the Best TEA and the BESt Harvest Chicken Salad.
While we were eating, I took notice of the table just across from us. It looked like maybe grandparents and a 15 or 16 year old granddaughter.
I'm almost positive that this young ladies phone was glued to her hand....😂 If the grandparents asked her a question, she would say...."Let me ask Siri."
Over three fourths of the time, she was on her phone. I'm thinking she may have taken 2 bites of the food on her plate.
I felt bad for the company she was keeping with her grandparents.
* * * * *
Here are some good reasons to put your phone down especially when at the table.
1. engage with people at the table.....
Connect and have face to face conversations
2. Focus on your food...enjoy the flavors....
Learn to enjoy your food and explore the different seasonings.
3. This thing called Respect and Courtesy....
shows people you value them.
4. Reduced Stress....
relax and enjoy your time away from the phone
5. be fully present....
create lasting memories
6. Enhance your gratitude for your food...
Be thankful
7. Break away from any Drama...
Social Media is overwhelming
8. Just plain good etiquette....
enhances valuable life skills
These are all good suggestions for Teenagers as well as adults.
This is a huge downfall with allowing phones to join us at the table.
The good thing about OUR (mine and Sam's) dinner experience was....
Great food
Not having to cook
Spending time with each other
Healthy food choices
and No Phone!
So many are glued to their phones. Even at work places. It's just the norm now. I'm all for unplugged days and shutting phones down. It's delightful.
ReplyDeletea few years ago, a friend i had worked with for many years, called and said she would be coming to Bradenton, and could we meet for lunch? I was on my lunch hour. watching the clock. she answered her phone 3 times, 2 were her husband asking questions, i ate while she talked on her phone... made me crazy
ReplyDeletebob doesn't have a phone, and he hates mine. I leave it in the car when we go inside to eat. Living on the Dangerous Edge, with no phone for an hour... ha ha I am old enough that we did not even have a recorder on the only phone we had, just a phone that hung on the wall and if we were gone it just waited
I'd like some harvest chicken salad right now! :)
ReplyDeleteI really hate how phones are taking over. You see it in restaurants all the time.
This was just perfect, Shug, and I thank you for writing it. I wish the whole world could read it. Such a wonderful post, indeed.
It made me so sad that this young lady was not engaging meaningfully with her grandparents during that meal. One day, she will wish she had taken the time to know them better. Yes, put down the phone and engage in good food and personal exchanges. No phones ever at the dinner table! Blessings, Shug!
ReplyDeleteI love their tea as well, have not tried the chicken salad but I bet it is good.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you about the phone thing - it amazes me how much life is missed because of it.
Amen to the whole list.. It seems the world operates by phone only. I'm glad to have them but the addiction is scary for the younger generation. It seems they don't know or care to talk to one another face to face. Phone Addicts sad.
That’s too bad. Unfortunately there are a lot worse things happening in the world.
Shug I totally agree! This should be the number one etiquette rule! NO phones at the table. We once had a big family birthday party in a fancy restaurant. One family member spent the entire time on her phone! It is just plain RUDE. Like, I would rather use my phone than listen or talk with you!
ReplyDeleteI usually do a good job of not having my phone out while I'm out with someone, but I'll admit it's handy to pull out if I need to check factual information.
ReplyDeleteit's even worse when It's the parent ignoring the child. I saw this so often at school. Parents were picking their kids up at the end of the day. The children are running towards the parent so happy to see them but the parent is glued to their phone and just turns and walks towards the car. I hated seeing this, and I did often. PUT THE PHONE DOWN!!
ReplyDeleteAmen!!! In the past, Tom and I were both guilty ... b/c he couldn't hear what I was saying and I didn't want to shout. While his hearing aids have made a huge difference, #2-#8 are also key.
ReplyDeleteBut if I put the phone down, how will I read your blog???
What a wonderful post, Shug! I loved it! Our home has been a phone free atmosphere at the table (including when we eat out) since we got one several years ago. And may I just say that the downfall of people skills these days has a lot to do with "social media", because it really isn't social at all. Just my humble opinion.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to be late to the party today...we have had a busy one and I'm just sitting down to blog reading. Thank you for the "follow" today. xx
I find it really sad how some people are so attached to their phones. I remember as a teen we used to hang out with our friends at the mall all the time. We laughed and had a good time. Not too long ago I was walking through the mall and saw a group of teens all sitting with their phones. They were all glued to their own screens and not interacting with each other at all.
ReplyDeleteShug, this post really struck a nerve with me, as I just thought this very thing last weekend when David and I were in a restaurant and as we were leaving I passed by the section where people were waiting for a table and everyone was looking down at their phones. It's an epidemic! Also, to echo one of your other comments, I have two specific friends who, every single time we go to lunch, they are answering texts and sometimes calls, even though we only have an hour to sit and talk. It's so rude!
ReplyDeleteIndeed, they seem to have some similar qualities in humans as other addictions. The unholy dependence is ruining the social and cultural fabric of society. I use a cheap low tech dumb phone.
DeleteIn Communist China they don't allow kids to take their phones into the classroom. Another fun fact, the CCP doesn't allow the same tiktok garbage that is available in the west. Of course they are guilty of numerous human rights violations, but they got a few things right. Another awful side effect of phones and kids is "brain rot" look up some of the findings, they are alarming.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree about the phone, smiles. Wishing you a lovely day my friend.
ReplyDeletesit together with family members "quite rare" nowadays..... so, great opportunity to talk each other if we have opportunities ....
ReplyDelete# you have suggested good recommendations .... thank you for sharing.....
There needs to be a mandatory course in phone etiquette. I also hate when I am in a public place such as an eye doctors office and people have their phone on speaker and I need to listen to their conversation. Great suggestions.
ReplyDeleteI agree, lots of time I just turn my phone off and leave it off:) At Christmas I told the Grands I would collect them at the door if they used them all day!
ReplyDeleteThat is so sad (what you wrote about the girl and her grandparents).
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about the phone. I noticed in the ER everyone was on their phones. No reading material anymore. Oh and reruns of Reba and the Golden Girls!
ReplyDelete8 hours of that! I worked on my Bible study but I admit, looking up kidney infections on the internet. I texted a few friends. Since I’m not on social media that was it.
I remember a time when it was prom and my husband and I were at a restaurant where many teens chose to eat at. Here is a large table with 5 couples and every single one of them were on their phones. It was funny and sad at the same time.
While I have been guilty of the same thing, all I see at restaurants is people staring at their phones and not talking. Mom, dad, and all the kids just staring at their phones. I bet the servers have some stories about how sad it really is.