Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Waiting Room Experience

Yesterday.... Sitting in the doctor's office, waiting for Sam to have an MRI on his back, I found myself in a nearly empty waiting room.  There were five other people and about fifty empty chairs, but as is often the case in life, things didn't unfold as simply as I had hoped.  

In walked a woman, (70 ish) and out of all the chairs she could have chosen, she sat in the one chair right next to me.  Not a chair away, Right beside me!  It wasn't as if the waiting room wasn't almost deserted.  

I have to laugh, because as I was trying to process this peculiar seating choice, the unmistakable sound of gum smacking filled my right ear.  Then there was a loud pop of her gum! How about you all?  Does gum smacking bother you?


I couldn't help but wonder, with so many open seats, why choose the one closest to ME?  When going to the doctor, I never want to sit close to people.  What I think about is, are they just there for a checkup, or do they have an illness that I don't want to be exposed to.   Thankfully, the nurse quickly called her back.   

(here I am laughing again)...I kid you not,  that seat was not even cold yet when in came another woman.  I saw her when she walked by because what she was wearing caught my eye.   It was a Bright Red top with Big, brightly  colored dots.   I mean, this was a pretty stand out shirt.  I would say this lady too was in her early 70's.  

She walked by me, and then turned around and came back to the (not yet cold) chair, and sat down right next to me.   This one wasn't chewing gum, but instead fixed her gaze on me as if she were studying me.  I could feel her eyes boring into me, and then I finally looked up.  As soon as I did, she began an instant conversation by asking me where I got my shoes.  I know that her inquiry was innocent enough, nonetheless it added to my discomfort.  

Truthfully, each of these interactions felt invasive in its own small way, as I had planned to peacefully sit there and read blog post.  

It's funny how the little things--smacking gum, unsolicited questions--can become such irritants.  I hope I am not guilty of interrupting others peaceful moments.  

This waiting room experience serves as a reminder that the small things people do, often without realizing it, can have an outsized impact.  As I continued to sit there, waiting on Sam to emerge from the MRI, I couldn't help but wonder how many of us are unknowingly testing each other's patience in the most mundane of settings..

Geez.... am I running out of topics to blog about?  Or, am I just telling you about my yesterday's experience?  

I did enjoy watching the fish in my doctor's beautiful fish tank.  

We woke up to MUCH cooler temps here this morning.  So very Nice!!     41 degrees!!  I'm loving these crisp mornings.  

Thankful Thursday......I'm breathing, I'm alive, I'm Blessed.  God is so Good!



  1. What a strange experience. You didn't mention the women's ages, if they are very elderly it could be that they are isolated and lonely, just wanted to talk to anyone. In asian and middle eastern communities the elderly have more interaction with relatives, sadly too many are ignored by family in western countries.

    1. I would say both women were in their early 70's...and looked to be in good health. it was a strange situation. Perhaps they were lonely or maybe just friendly people.

  2. That is absolutely weird, Shug! Two irritating people in a row and with all that room in the waiting area? Oh, yes, I hate gum smacking too, and consider it plain rude. Hope Sam's MRI is good news for both of you. Blessings!

    1. Thank you for wishing Sam good news. Hopefully we will have the results back this afternoon. I honestly think I would have been good until the gum smacking came about.

  3. Angels in disguise?

    That is so funny how both of them sat right next to you. People don't do that. 😄

    1. You could be right Sandi......I need to think about this when things frustrate me. Thank you for this great reminder...

  4. Now this was really strange. I always try to sit far away from others in the waiting room too. Same reasons as you too. Hope Sam's MRI goes well.
    Gum popping and smacking is rude and annoying. Maybe the person was doing it from nerves but I don't like it , all the same.
    Windy and cool this morning. So nice for a change...except the wind is dry and there is a Red Flag warning for high fire danger..that we sure don't need.!

    1. lol...I just laughed about it and told Sam all about it when we got in the car. I know you sure do not like seeing those red flags...We have had a lot of wind here as well...some of my pot plants were turned over this morning. But I do love the cooler temps.

  5. Unless a waiting room is busy I put my belongings on the chair next to me, which acts as a buffer.

    1. LOL...I do the same thing Kathy...but this time on only had my phone. I left my purse locked in my car.

  6. Ha, ha, we are two peas in a pod. I do not want people to sit by me, and I think it is so strange that these two ladies did... so strange. Definitely something to talk about, I am happy you shared.

    1. I would not have thought a thing about it if many of the other chairs were filled....but ...I was like.."why do you need to get in my comfort zone."

  7. P.S. where did you get your shoes?
    xx oo

    1. hey Carla....I ordered them online. Easy Spirit. They have every color and these shoes are so comfortable.

  8. I totally LOVE your story of the waiting room drama. It reminds us to always be mindful!!! My first thought about these women sitting beside you is that they must be lonely. But I always sit as far away from people as possible, especially in doctor's offices. Because there is so much flu, covid, and other things going around. Your fish tank photo is simply gorgeous! It is an entire work of art and could be framed and hung somewhere, gorgeous!

  9. Carla's P. S. really gave me a laugh!!

  10. Did you get up and move - I would HATE someone sitting next to me like that. The shoes take as a compliment. :) They were pretty and unusual!
    I love the cool weather too.

  11. Definitely weird ... and annoying. I'd probably be looking for Allen Funt to pop out and exclaim, "Smile! You're on Candid Camera!"

  12. I too just want to be left alone when in a waiting room! I actually feel kinda sorry for them. They might have been lonely. It is strange and amusing at the same time. There must be something about you! Great opportunity to talk to them about Jesus.

  13. They probably just needed someone to talk to! You looked friendly!! Lots of women are alone and need interaction with were lucky you had a husband with you! Usually it is men who talk to me.:)


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

The Waiting Room Experience

Yesterday....   Sitting in the doctor's office, waiting for Sam to have an MRI on his back, I found myself in a nearly empty waiting roo...