Saturday, October 5, 2024

First Week of October

 My first week of October has been a bit difficult, but how could I even bother to complain, knowing all of the devastation over in the Asheville area?  I'm thinking that  "Complain" isn't the correct word.  I have just had my hands full which can sometimes cause irritability.    

On Tuesday of this week, my youngest brother underwent a 6 1/2 surgery for a colostomy reversal.  This was a very long day!  The day began around 3:30 AM for me.  Waking up, getting dressed, picking him up at his home, and being at the hospital by 5:30 AM.   

His surgery went very well.  Not only did he have the reversal, but the doctor repaired two hernias.   His abdomen, all the way up to his chest was opened and he has Many stitches. Another repair was made at the sight of where the colostomy bag was.   I am giving God Praise for opening the doors for "J" to be able to have this procedure and for the healing to come. 

About 14 years ago, my brother was in the hospital with diverticulitis, when his colon ruptured.  This was the cause of him needing the colostomy.  Who would have possibly thought that 14 years later, the doctors would be able to do a reversal?  This is going to be life changing for him and I am extremely thankful.  

The hospital is a good 25 miles from our little town, and I have made that drive multiple times this past week. 

He is expected to get to move to a rehab facility possibly today or maybe on Monday.  Thankfully, the rehab facility is only 10 miles from where I live.  

Still not complaining here, but wouldn't you know it......I have RLS (restless leg syndrome) and what a flare up I have had this week.  When this happens, I get little sleep at night!  Not fun!!  Anyone else out there suffer from RLS?  The past two nights have been better 👏🏻.  

I went out yesterday afternoon and totally cleaned his house......(as he is not married and lives alone).  You know how men can be sometimes...they just don't see the things that we might see when it comes to deep cleaning.  

I have tried to stay caught up on reading blogs, and if I missed any, I will catch up this next week.  I'm trusting that the week ahead will be much easier with less stress. 

My brother will not be able to work for at least a couple of months, but our family is the greatest...they have all pitched in and will be helping me take care of things for him.  Thank you Lord for my Loving Family.  

I wish you all a very Sweet Saturday and Weekend!   💛



  1. Wow, that has been quite a week for you. Its amazing that after all those years the drs. are able to reverse the colostomy . PTL.
    Glad the rehab will be closer and your family has stepped up to help you too. So grateful when family does that. I have the same kind too.
    Hope you can rest and sleep well now that things will calm down a bit.
    Hugs and don't worry about responding. Family first!!!

  2. Oh, my goodness - you are not complaining at all.
    I think about 14 years to have a reversal is WONDERFUL - what a blessing.
    And so nice to have such a wonderful family.
    I do not have restless syndrome. I have been watching Dr. Berg on vitamins. He recommended Magnesium laurate and B1 for that. You may want to check it out on YouTube and check it out.

  3. I'm so sorry your brother is going through this.....and you as well, Shug. I hope he heals quickly. So good of you to be there for him and clean his house, etc. And all that driving is not easy for you either. I love the quote and picture on your Header. It's so special with the flowers and the words. Take care, and pace yourself, my dear friend.


  4. Boy, have you been put through the wringer, Shug! So happy to hear that your brother's surgery was successful and he can now start the healing process. Thank goodness you will have help from other family members during this time. Thanks so much for coming by my blog today as you are so busy. It means a lot! Blessings!

  5. What a good sister you are! You are a blessing for your brother, I pray his recovery is uneventful. Plus you cleaned his house...:)

  6. What a week you've had! Glad your brother's surgery went well.

    I have intermittent restless leg syndrome, too. I've found that the best thing is to put a thick pillow down at the end of my bed for my feet to rest on.

  7. Oh Boy! What a week!. You are not complaining at all,, sometimes we just have to let it all out before we carry on.
    Praying for a speedy recovery for your brother... and relief for you xx

  8. This is totally amazing to me!! After 14 years! What changed that they were able to do this? Because I am thinking that back when they did it, they thought it would be permanent. Maybe you remember that I had diverticulitis attacks for many years, then my colon punctured. I had to have part of it cut out and re-attached. so I am familiar with color surgery. Phil used to have RLS, but hasn't in years. So I think you can maybe get over it with age? I read an article once that said that it is not that men don't want to do housework. It is because they really don't see it!! Not like we do, anyway. You are a great sister!!

  9. P.S. You are sure NOT complaining. That would be if you kept doing a poor me thing. You are just telling us what is going on in your life, which is what blogging is all about!

  10. are NOT complaining. Keeping you and your brother in prayer. I am glad to know what is going on etc.

  11. Bless your very kind soul. I will be praying for your brother and family that all will go well. It is nice to hear of one helping another. "I" have RLS and have had it for many, many years. There are times when it is better or worse. I do not believe I have had a "good nights sleep" in years. No naps either. One doctor had it himself and was very understanding. Most just don't get it. Wish there was a cure. I don't consider your sharing your feelings as complaining. We are here to listen.

  12. I agree with what everyone else has said - Just telling us what happened is not complaining. It’s good to just talk these things out. I bet this will improve his life so Praise God for the advancement of modern medicine that they could reverse it. That’s amazing. It’s good you have a big enough family to be able to rally around you and him to give a hand.
    I’ve had a few bouts of RLS - nothing major but my husband has it. He jerks all night and if I don’t fall asleep before he does it’s hard for me to get to sleep. Sometimes I’ve had to sleep in the sofa. One of his friends told him to put a sock on the affected leg and it will stop. He tried it and it worked. Then he would put a sock on before falling asleep and it stopped working. So I think you have to already have it going on - you put a sock on, and it may or may not calm it down.
    It’s a crazy ailment.
    Get some rest and relax. You’re no good helping others if you aren’t taking care of yourself! God bless

  13. Oh, what an experience -- for both you and your brother! Thank God for medical miracles. (Meanwhile, you go right ahead and vent.)
    I've been getting "charlie horses" of late, but no RLS. I hope yours is just a passing 'thing' that will soon abate!


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First Week of October

  My first week of October has been a bit difficult, but how could I even bother to complain, knowing all of the devastation over in the Ash...