Tuesday, September 24, 2024

 Your Greatest Power is Believing in yourself!  💛

           This, one short sentence has a lot of power in it.  The greatest power that a woman can have, is the strength that God gives her.  Secondly, we need to believe in ourselves, because believing in ourselves gives us the courage to push past limits and pursue the goals that we have dreamed about.  

          I have always been a shy person and for this reason, I tend to create doubt and uncertainty in many of the things that I would like to do or accomplish.  

         I have friends, who have a lot of confidence,  and some who have an over abundance of confidence.  I often wonder how it is, that they can be so confident in themselves.  They speak with certainty, they take risk, and they are not afraid to be wrong.  

I read this quote today and thought WOW.

"Self-confidence is the best outfit, rock it and own it."

Meaning.....Confidence is like a personal style....

when you wear it, you own the room!!

I have to remind myself that True confidence comes from accepting mistakes as part of the journey.   I need to Learn to set the feelings of embarrassment aside, and embrace confidence as a key to success.  

Saw this and thought it was cute.....This lady has confidence! lol

There will always be challenges and obstacles but the truth is, having confidence is...... in my own control ......and no one can take it away from me..... unless I allow it.  

         Is there something you want?   

"Let's Make this happen!"



  1. Hello, my friend. What a wonderful post this morning. You could have been describing me! Thank you for validating my feelings and sharing some very helpful advice! Have a cozy afternoon.

    1. funny thing....since I have been blogging, I have noticed that I have stepped out of my comfort zone a bit.

  2. my lack of confidence comes from caring what others think of me, fear of what others will think about me. I am and for 80 years i have been afraid to do things for those reasons. I am no shy, I talk to strangers, I talk to much, but it is to compensate for lack of confidence. Your greatest power is believing in yourself, is a super quote, and my answer is always Y.B.H. (yes but how)

    1. Same here....I have always wanted others to like me, and never judge me. I too think this is a big issue.

  3. I’ve always had a fairly healthy confidence - but in those difficult seasons, confidence was where the enemy would attack me. Our strengths threaten Satan because he knows where our confidence comes from. I know my confidence isn’t me - it’s my relying on my Lord. Naturally I am shy and quiet but in my spirit filled confidence, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    1. You are exactly right Debby....difficult seasons can sure make us feel unworthy of things and our confidence level feels shattered

  4. I've always had confidence in myself, but the danger I find is being overly confident when it isn't warranted. You can't be too full of yourself and leave room for God at the same time. Blessings, Shug!

  5. Replies
    1. I only wish. I am pretty confident unless it comes to situations where I am not familiar with the people. I have a project that I want to do, but it requires me stepping out of my comfort zone to sell my product...Not sure I can do it..

  6. Hi Shug, I have been reading your comments on other blogs and thought, here's a new friend for me to share my walk with the Lord too.
    I am right there with you in the shy department but have in my older years (80) I find my self pushing through that to find I can actually do and accomplish things I didn't think I could.
    God is good and God is Greater than all my fears.

    1. I am so thankful you have been reading my post. I tried to visit you, but was not able to. Not sure? I love that God is bigger than all our fears...Amen.

  7. Hi Shug! I love that quote! Like you, I am a shy person. I don't like putting myself out there, and I'm way more comfortable listening than contributing to a conversation - especially in a group. I love, Philippians 4:13. The Lord is our support and our guild, we can do all things through Him, and with His help! All we need to do is ask :0) Have a great day, Shug! Hugs, Barb

    1. Hey Barb...I love that verse! This one verse has kept me going many times. Hope your day has been a good cool, Fall day.

  8. I think some people who appear to have great confidence are scared, but just stepping out of their box and taking a chance. Good for them! We do need to love ourselves as much as we love our friends!

    1. I think you are right Ginny. BTW...that plant that I posted a picture of the other day with the golden berries is called Duranta. It has small purple flowers during the summer and these golden berries in the Fall


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

  Your Greatest Power is Believing in yourself!  💛             This, one short sentence has a lot of power in it.  The greatest power that...