Friday, February 5, 2016

Lesson Learned

Very few of us wish to admit that we sometimes experience "Ridiculous Failures."

                                     Not Me.....For Sure!!

Have you ever felt just plain ignorant due to a POOR choice that you have made?  A poor choice made.....simply because you were a little to zealous about something....and lacking self-control.   

This happened to me a few months ago!  The only good thing about this situations is:  it has turned out to be one of those "Life Lessons" that we all have to learn from time to time.

It all happened when I came upon an item that really caught my eye!  (The important thing here is not... what the item was, but the lesson learned from my actions)
I fell in love with this item.....and I selfishly wanted it to be mine!!  

Before you judge me (LOL) let me just say that I am normally pretty good about paying attention to the prices of things.   In this particular case....I DID NOT!
It didn't even have a price tag on I was just assuming that it probably cost what (I) thought it was worth.

Mistake #1.

My thinking the high end ~~ it might cost $50.00.  
I truly thought that it would be even less than that!!

Without asking the price.....I simply said:  " I want it!"

WOW...I really cannot believe that I did that.

As I made my way to the counter....and the clerk delivered the shocking truth to me.....I could feel this feeling of 
WRONG saturating my skin.   My purchase was not the $50.00 that I thought it might would be.....It was not even $75.00......

It was over a $100.00!!

I cannot even begin to explain how I felt inside.....
But what I can tell you is.... it wasn't good.

Crud.....what had I just done?  Of course, I was way too embarrassed to tell the clerk that the item was more than I had expected to pay and that I would need to put it back.

It wasn't that I didn't have the money.....I just knew in my heart that it was ridiculous for me to pay this kind of price for the item.  

I pulled out my wallet and paid CASH for the thing!  

Guilt??   oh yes!!

I felt tons of guilt......and the Holy Spirit was right there in me ~ trying to Direct me ~ BUT....I was gonna handle this on my own.

Pride stood in my way!

I am now.....the guilty feeling owner of this item and do you know what?  I feel uncomfortable each time I look at it.   

It wasn't worth the price!

There are several things to be learned from this situation...

1.  Materialistic things are just that....materialistic! Not Important!!
2.  Don't be so full of Pride
3.  Listen....when the Holy Spirit is directing you
4.  Admit your mistakes
5. Have Self-Control.

Hope you all have a Blessed day!


  1. Hi Shug!

    What a good lesson . . .for the rest of us! That happens to me as well, especially at auctions. Sometimes, for me, it's just the fact that someone else might get it, and not me! As I have gotten older, I've realized that some of my most prized possessions, cost very little, but are priceless to me. Thanks for reminding me to listen to the Spirit. That's something that we all need to do more of, and we would be way happier!

    Have a great week-end!


  2. Hi, We ALL do stupid things at time. Don't punish yourself.. It's just part of being human. The key is to learn from our mistakes ---and to move forward without the guilt...

    The best news is that God loves us --with all of our craziness!!!!! It's hard for me to believe sometimes that God could love a sinner like ME.. But---God DOES.... Hallelujah.


  3. A great lesson in life and thank you for sharing it!


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