Sunday, June 5, 2011

Walking Tall....

Walking Tall......

I have always wanted to be TALL......

There are so many advantages when it comes to being Tall...

for one, you can see things that most of us can not see....

Another thing, is that you can actually reach dishes that are

in the top of the cabinets......I am 5'4" and at this height, I can not

even reach the top shelf of my closet......

BUT....this is not really the kind of TALL that I am talking about today..

When it comes to our CHRISTIAN WALK,  we need to walk tall...

Whether we realize it or not, we are being watched....People in the "World"

are watching those of us who are Christians....They watch the things that

we do...they watch how we act when we are out in public...they watch our

reactions to many of the situations that happen in life.

Not only that, but our children and grandchildren are watching us....They pick up on little things

that we sometimes fail to recognize as even being a part of what we do each day....

Words we say, the way we manage our households, our habits of serving the Lord, and how we

treat our friends and those that we are around.....

One of the first things that we need to do each day is to put on those "HIGH HEEL SHOES"

and walk TALL not only for ourselves, but for those that are watching us!

Sweet Blessings,


"How Lovely on the mountains  are the Feet of HIM who brings good news"


  1. Yes, we really are walking sermons! We need to talk less and SHOW more. Show others by the way we live, so that they will want to know more.

  2. What a great reminder that we need to keep the zest in our daily Christian walk. Thanks Shug, I'm wearing my stilettos with enthusiasm! Hugs to you!

  3. At five foot ten I def walk tall ;]

  4. I'm all in favor of walking the talk in our daily lives. For some folks we are the only Bible that they'll 'read'. But there is NO WAY, I would ever walk on stilettos - especially those in the pic, lol!

  5. Hi Shug, Can't do stilettos, but can try really hard to "walk tall" and be a good witness to others. It's so true about others seeing or watching us when we aren't even aware of it. Have a happy Monday!

  6. Thanks for a wonderful reminder - I like to read your posts first thing in the morning and then i can try and live by them all day!
    Mary x

  7. I am 5'4 as well, and it makes it hard sometimes, but walking with His life in me, that makes it easier to walk tall!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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