Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good-Bye Bug.....

Well....I don't know what has been going on with blogger, but I sent each of you the sweetest comment last night and for some (unknown) reason, not one single one of the comments would post!!!  Guess I'll try again today....


I said Good-bye to my little RED bug.....You know, the little RED bug that I really loved!  Yep....this past weekend, I said good-bye to my sweet little red bug.

I was crazy about this car, but it was just too small to haul all my grandkids!  Mylee and I traveled a lot of miles in this vehicle.  Needless to say, the car seat and Mylee's growing, little, legs were too big of a match for the space in the back seat.

I am loving my new vehicle.....Three rows of seats and plenty of space....Did I mention that it is "Black?"  One of my favorite colors!  And.....I still have my license plates.....

It really was time to say Good-bye to the Red bug......Now it's time to enjoy my new Blessing! 

When we take the time to notice and reflect upon the simple things in life, we never lack God's unending Love!

Please remember to keep the people of our Country in your prayers...Those that have loss loved ones and those that have loss their homes due to tornadoes, flooding, and other acts of weather related tragedies.......

Sweet Blessings this day.....

Shug ~


  1. I'm having some bleeps and blops,, I always look forward to your posts,,lets hope the problems are done,

  2. I'm sure you are missing that adorable little bug! Best wishes for your new car - many happy and safe miles to you and your

  3. Hi Shug, I had some problems commenting a few days ago, too. Your little Red Bug is cute, but I can see that you wouldn't have much room. You'll miss it. I really love to drive my hubby's black pickup...when he'll let me...LOL! I drive a white Toyota and my daughter drives a black Toyota. So black rules here at my house! Enjoy your new black ride! And enjoy the rest of the week!

  4. I've heard blogger has been having some problems with commenting. Hopefully it will get resolved soon.

    Bet you were sad to say goodbye to the bug, but sounds like you're going to have more fun times in your new car. Love the license plate! Too cute.

  5. Oh, I love the little red bug!!! I know just how you feel!! When I was pregnant, we had to sell my beloved Mustang! To this day I am sorry and want it back, just to keep in the driveway and look at! But life is about embracing the changes and going forward, as Paul says. Hey, you haven't showed us a picture of the new one!!! Love the liscense plate!! Several of my comments wouldn't go through yesterday, I heard it was only on the embedded form, not the full page or pop ups.

  6. Okay---so that is why I haven't heard from you... Just sent you an email!!!!! I've heard others say that this is happening. I think someone said it's only if you have Internet Explorer. I use Firefox and SAfari as my browsers.

    Forget the grandchildren... I'd definitely keep the little red bug. I'd LOVE to have that car.

  7. Hope you will enjoy tree new wheels just as much.


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